View Full Version : New here - anyone able to hat? Anxious :(

01-09-2017, 10:36 PM
Hello - I've suffered from anxiety and panic attacks since I was a child. I cope fairly well depending but I'm currently very anxious and in the midst of a full blown panic attack. I've tried my CBT skills and they aren't working, guess just looking for a distraction.

01-09-2017, 11:45 PM
Meditation always helps. Get some meds if you feel it will help.

01-10-2017, 05:56 AM
Everyone is different but what helped me when I had a panic attack was distraction. Someone to talk about anything, get my mind together, feel like I can produce a rational thought. Maybe call somebody you trust and tell them you need to talk about anything.

01-10-2017, 06:21 PM
Hi and welcome :)

One non-chemical thing that helps me is computer games and music (often together). Just those little games on Facebook where you match 3 of the same colour or whatever. The one I'm currently playing is called Farm Heroes Super Saga (it's not like Farmville where you build a farm lol). My favourite is AlphaBetty Saga because you make words so it's a bit more interesting, but I've run out of levels on that. Sometimes I'll be playing those games and have random dream flashbacks or memories, so they must change the rhythm of my brain.

Then I turn the volume off and crank up some music like Tool which is heavy and hypnotic in itself. This is quite often my nightly activity haha. I like to think the games help my conscious brain shut up and let the music in. Sometimes I substitute the music with some YouTube talk by Alan Watts or someone spiritual/philosophical. But the music adds another dimension.

Gypsy x

01-10-2017, 09:04 PM
Welcome to the forum. Maybe try deep breathing, isometric exercises or splashing cold water on your face.