View Full Version : New Worry - BT

01-06-2017, 07:46 PM
My latest worry is a BT. I've been having my symptoms for the past week now..

-tingling, pins and needles feeling in feet, legs, hands, and nose. - this was a new symptom for me and I haven't experienced this in 2 days.
-tension headache and icepick headache. (i took Advil 3 days ago and my headache is completely gone. I will get a little pain once in a while)
-blurry vision, floaters, tunnel vision, wavy lines (I went to an eye doctor today and had retinal scans done and everything looked fine. I didn't have my eyes dilated but they last were 6 months ago)
-ringing in the ears. I only notice this when I'm in a quiet room or when I'm laying down at night.

I don't know why I'm fearing having a BT. I'm currently sitting on my bed and nothing is bothering me. Nothing hurts. My eyes are still a little wonky, but I have convinced myself that it's the anxiety. I was reading on here that if I had a BT, that headaches aren't a very common symptom. It's the tingling, ringing in the ears, and vision that is worrying me. If I had a BT maybe it's putting pressure on my eyes that is causing these vision problems? Another thing is when I rest my head down on my pillow or just on the couch, i feel this pressure on my head and it's like that back of my head is sore. When I touch my head I have no pain in any areas.

I'm just very worried that I may have a seizure, stroke, or BT. Like I said, I currently have no symptoms except for my vision... If it was something terribly wrong would the symptoms still go away?

I'm in my early 20's and i'm trying to convince myself that I am so young and that it's just my anxiety getting to me. :(

01-07-2017, 10:44 AM
Is BT a brain tumour?

My first advice would be to see a specialist if it is giving you stress and figure out right away if you do or not. It is highly likely what you are experiencing is related to stress but it never hurt to get it off your mind.

I also suggest to immediately stop google searching everything. I had horrible health anxiety at one point in my life and every time I google searched something I feared I had 3 months to live.

Excess stress will give you all the signs of a brain tumour, cancer, and black plague according to google. In turn this raises your stress.

01-07-2017, 12:46 PM
I have known 4 people who have had malignant brain tumors and 4 people who had benign brain tumors and all of them
had progressively worsening headaches.

01-07-2017, 02:25 PM
I was just resting my head on my pillow and the back of my head hurts, but when I sit up the pain isn't that bad. My pillow is not hard and I've been using it for a while. Before when I was googling, I read that if the back of your head hurts only when laying down that it could be a tumor pushing up again the back of the head. Last night before I went to bed, my head was hurting and I took an Aleve, woke up this morning and my head was probably 2 on a scale of 1-10 for pain. I've been doing good all day, until I lied down and the back of my head started hurting. :(

01-07-2017, 02:44 PM
My physician told me that tension in your shoulders, neck and back can cause headaches and odd head sensations.

01-07-2017, 04:27 PM
Kirk is right. As long as you are freaking out you hold tension in your shoulders, neck and jaw even if you are not aware of this. You don't breathe properly either. After hours and hours of this it is not surprising that you would have headaches and other issues. Then once you become hyper aware of these symptoms your anxiety just spikes to the next level, exacerbating the sensations. In any case, even if your symptoms were not caused by anxiety, why would you immediately assume it's the worst thing possible like a brain tumor? That's just catastrophic thinking which is your first clue that it is just anxiety.

01-07-2017, 05:32 PM
I get crazy muscle tension from having anxiety. I have lots of tension in my shoulders and neck specifically, doesn't mean I have a brain tumor.

Get an MRI or something done before you worry yourself to death. Walking around thinking you have a brain tumor is probably stressful enough to be even more unhealthy than having one.

01-08-2017, 08:17 PM
Hi everyone,

So I woke up this morning feeling great. No headache. No anxiety. Felt fine! Same thing happened to me tonight.. I go and rest my head on my pillow and I get an instant pain in the back of my head. If I lay on either side of my head, it's fine. It's so weird because if I lay on the back of my head after about 10-15 minutes, the pain goes away or isn't as bad. This happened to me last night and when I woke up this morning my head wasn't even bothering me. I just don't understand. I don't have a headache at all during the day but as soon as I put my head down, it hurts only in the back.

I noticed when I lay down, I feel a little light headed as well but I think that's just from my anxiety about the head pain.

It wouldn't be something serious would it? If it only happens when putting my head down? If it were something bad I would be having a headache non stop and other symptoms as well, right?

01-09-2017, 03:35 AM
Well maybe it's the tension in the back of your neck. When you lie down you change posture, so your tense muscles need time to get used to it, but after some minutes you feel better.
It doesn't sound serious at all. Anxiety has given me all sorts of weird headaches.

01-09-2017, 09:09 AM
Having a panic attack at work right now over this. Currently in the bathroom freaking out. I can't believe how much I'm worrying over this. I can't believe it. I wish it would all stop. No matter what I do, nothing is working.

The back of my head hurts today. It's like the lower part of my head. Like where the part of your head sticks out. The bottom of the skull, maybe? It hurts from there down. My neck is a little sore too. But I don't know if that's from the way I slept or what.

I am dizzy and I am shaky and my temples hurt too. But I know this is from me panicking. Ugh :(

01-09-2017, 01:30 PM
Update: still hurting. I took some Aleve and waiting to see if it helps. It hasn't hurt like them all day. It's like it's further down my head now. Almost to my neck. And I have this warm tingling sensation on the back of my head. Every time I open my moth it clicks or pops. I feel so tired

01-09-2017, 01:43 PM
Keep checking yourself every hour or so to make sure you are not tensing up your shoulders/neck/jaw, it becomes a habit. If you notice you are doing it, take a deep breath and relax your muscles. The clicking/popping jaw happens to me a lot because I clench my jaw a lot when I am anxious (sometimes even when I'm not), I do it when I am sleeping too and I grind my teeth. You may be too if you aren't sleeping well. Just remember your muscles are sore from all the constant tension, will take a while to recover.