View Full Version : Constant worry about friends and family safety

01-06-2017, 06:13 PM
It started some days ago. I dreamt about my ex gf's death. In the dream she died due to a disease. I woke up crying a lot.
I live in Brazil. There are lots of fked up stuff here. Still, I never felt the way im feeling right now. Im naturally a little anxious, but I was cool with a lot of stuff. I consider myself lucky. Bad stuff rarely happens to me or the ones I love.
But nowadays i get the feeling that death lurks around the corner. I dont fear for myself tho. Until some months ago, I used to buy weed in the slums, casually walking around and talking to gangstas holding AK-47s. And I never felt in danger, even when walking thru shady places. Hell I would go there right now if I wasnt trying to quit smoking, and I would feel safe.
But I cant stop fearing for the lives of the hundreds of people I care for, family and friends. In the news, or in casual conversations, I always hear about bad stuff happening. People dying, mugging, fighting, etc. So theres always this feeling that the world is a giant minefild, one wrong step may kill you. As I said, I feel quite confident for myself, Im always pretty sure of the current situation Im in.
But I cant ignore the feeling that I cant protect the ones I love. It seems that the probability of death is too high, so I fear for everyone who goes out for whatever reason. I know I might be overthinking a little, but i just cant see the odds in our favor. All I can see is Evil Triumphant.
Am I supposed to just accept life as it is? The fact that I am powerless, i cant do shit for the ones I love? Do I have to accept that theres always the chance of someone I care for being shot, or stabbed, or punched to death?
I cant live with this tiny probability that someone I care for is going to face some horrible, painful, tragic death. Thats not how life is supposed to be.

01-07-2017, 01:02 AM
dreams just tell us what we're thinking about but suppressing from our conscious minds. i know about some of what's happening in brazil. with all the change and violence and uncertainty it's natural you would fear for your loved ones. it's okay to be a little anxious, and here you are on anxietyforum, so maybe you're more than just a little bit anxious? that's okay too. it's a common condition. everyone will die someday, but obsessing about death doesn't change anything, it just makes us suffer more. you will be okay and so will your loved ones. death will come when it comes, that's not something we can control.

i hope your anxiety isn't overwhelming you. do you have a someone you can talk to about it? it can be very painful, so it's not something you want to hide, and there's no shame in talking about it. anxiety is a condition millions of people have.

post again and let us know how you're doing. we're here.
