View Full Version : Quitting Smoking. Cold turkey.

01-06-2017, 12:29 PM
So, I know i already made one post.
But this is a very rough, roller coaster ride of emotions and moods that I've been experiencing the last week.

I was diagnosed with a GAD, a few years ago. And I've been smoking for 4-5 years. I know thats not very long, I'm only 21.
But I get these mood swings, Sometimes i just feel like crying even though I'm not feeling depressed or sad, and the rest of the time I'm just feeling normal anxiety stuff(feeling distant,disconnected, very worried about things)
I'm currently NOT on any medications for my anxiety. I've tried a great many and the side effects have not outweighed any benefits I've found. I'm currently only taking Adderall 25mg XR (Which is supposed to make anxiety worse) But honestly it helps me, by making me think clearer, having less out of control thoughts going through my head at a million miles an hour. Being less tired, thanks to the adderall also helps.

Question is, Anyone gone through this? How long can i expect this roller coaster of emotions to last?
What can i do to help myself?

01-06-2017, 02:12 PM
Hey and welcome :)

If Adderall helps it suggests you have ADD rather than anxiety disorder. I've had amphetamines and my anxiety goes crazy. Very basically, amphetamines help people with ADD because the part of the brain that controls impulses is actually underactive and the amphetamines speed it up so the person feels more normal.

Have you tried any benzos? It'd be interesting to see how those affect you.

I have to cut this short sorry because I need to get going but yeah, that was my first thought when you said Adderall helps.

Gypsy x

01-06-2017, 05:39 PM
I have been on Lorazepam and Diazepam at one point. I did not enjoy those, but they did their job at getting me out of my panic attack. And i am aware that taking adderall is a bit backasswards, but for some strange reason it does help me, I've never been diagnosed with ADD.
I was diagnosed with a GAD because one week, out of the blue i started having panic attacks, all day every day, and then i'd panic even more because of the panic attack etc. I had no stress, nothing concerning me, nothing that should be causing my "panic". But after all this, everything bothers me now, though I've managed to control it.

01-07-2017, 10:40 AM
Hey darklazer, how do you feel when Adderall wears off? You may feel better while on it because it has strong effects on neurotransmitters like dopamine, but once you stop taking it Adderall often causes sharp crashes in dopamine.

This can lead to anxiety and depression even to people without any history of it.

Do you consume large amounts of caffeine?

01-07-2017, 08:27 PM
I quit consuming caffeine a few weeks ago, I generally just have a Dr. pepper or two a day.
And you might be right, since quitting smoking. I've noticed a significant increase in my anxiety at night.
Which could be because of my Adderall, and the smoking just helped me manage it?
Mind you, i am still going through nicotine withdrawals, i think anyways.
Its only been about a week and 3 days since I've had my last cigarette and my anxiety is just going bonkers. Not quite to panic attack level, but I'm boiling pretty close.

I'm having a hard time to get any doctors to help me manage this right now, I turned 21 a few weeks ago. My old doctors, even my psychiatrist were Pediatric, Meaning i now have to find new doctors.
Even harder because most of the doctors around here are not currently accepting patients.
I have a feeling like i have a rough few weeks ahead of me, and i might stop taking the adderall to see what happens. The only downside to this being that the adderall, has been an immense help to me in many different ways.

01-08-2017, 10:59 AM
I think, like you said smoking may have helped calm you down. Also nicotine withdrawl can cause anxiety forsure but I doubt it would be to the point of what you are experiencing, something bigger is at play in my opinion.

I personally think Adderall is your problem, but you say it is helping and of course you know your body better than I do. Do some research on Adderall and anxiety for yourself, and make an educated decision from there.

01-08-2017, 02:01 PM
I didn't take the adderall today, and your right. My anxiety is a noticeably better.
which is a shame, because it helped in so many other ways.

Hopefully when i can get into a doctor he/she might have some ideas as to what to replace it with.
Its been a rough few days, and for some reason being at home is the last place i want to be. my anxiety is telling me to get away lol.
thanks for the help.

01-09-2017, 11:44 PM
Awesome glad it helped for the anxiety at least! How else does Adderall help, maybe I can offer a suggestion worth looking into...

The Intolerable Kid
01-10-2017, 08:15 AM
Good luck, that can certainly be tough. The emotional need for me extended far beyond quitting, it depended on how much stress I was under. You're doing the right thing, you'll be healthier and save money. I didn't do it cold turkey, but my grandmother did (after 30 or so years). She was successful.