View Full Version : Floating vision and sharp head pain, is it anxiety?

01-06-2017, 10:38 AM
I'm hoping some of you can help ease my mind before I go to the ER which in my head I know they will tell me it's anxiety related but still needing to ease my mind.

About a month ago (mind you I've been on medications for 8 years for anxiety/depression and haven't had any issues till now) I experienced a sharp stabbing pain in the left side of my head while I was sleeping which woke me up in a panic. I've never had such a feeling that strong before. After the pain came a numbing feeling on the left side of my face and then shaking and my usual attack mode sensations. I've had that numbing feeling before from time to time during an anxiety attack but what has me fearing a brain tumor or something else was that sharp stabbing pain. I haven't had that feeling since then but minor aches here and there that go away quickly. The week following of this episode I had a regular doctor visit for a physical and a psychiatrist as well. I talked to my doctor and she didn't seem to be too concerned but told me if I kept having those pains to make an appointment and she may schedule tests to be done to rule anything out. My psychiatrist felt it was anxiety as well but did give me some Ativan as needed. Also said if my anxiety worsens to make an appointment. Since then I've come to realize most likely the cause of my anxiety and am currently dealing with stress and feeling overwhelmed with work.

I woke up this morning experiencing my eyes feeling shifty/floating around like I couldn't control them which brought on the panic. I'm not even sure if I'm describing it correctly. My eyes weren't blurry just felt like they were moving out of control and eventually it stopped. I was able to focus hard on an object to try to control it as closing my eyes only made me feel completely out of control as my eyes still kept up the shifting feeling. I've searched this but I can't exactly find what I experienced listed. Mostly blurry, stars, tunnel vision etc...This isn't what I felt it was like my eyes were all over the place and had no control. I did feel slightly dizzy as well after the episode. Now my question is have any of you experienced any of this and is it really anxiety related? I'm close to going to the ER as I fear something else is wrong such as a brain tumor or something. I had a CT scan about 10 years ago and with no issues but this still doesn't ease my mind as in 10 years something could develop.

I'm hoping some of you can help me ease my mind or share if you've experienced the same. I'm currently on holiday vacation till Sunday so my only option is the ER which I don't want to get that panicked to do that.

Thanks so much.

01-06-2017, 11:37 AM
Due to the fact you are experiencing such heightened anxiety, it is really hard to judge your symptoms on their own merit, because anxiety really can cause/mimic a host of alarming symptoms. I have had personal experience with these things, just the constant barrage of cortisol and adrenaline on your body, tension, etc anxiety can wreak havoc with your body. I have often had all manner of anxiety related headaches and head pains, numbness and tingling in my face, weird pulses in my eyes/face, tunnel vision, spots in my vision, and on and on. A lot of these symptom have lasted for weeks then "miraculously" disappeared as soon as my anxiety lessened or I moved on to other things to be worried about.

I always listen to my gut, if I find myself hemming and hawing about whether to go to the doctor I am usually pretty sure it is anxiety. For example, when I had excruciating pain in my side a couple years ago due to a kidney stone, there was no ambivalence, I just went in because I just knew it was a real thing. If you are truly concerned then of course you should go to the doctor/er to be on the safe side. I am sorry if this does not ease your mind, but think of this - even if your symptoms are real that doesn't automatically mean you have a brain tumor or some deadly terminal disease. A sharp stabbing pain in your head and moving eyes is alarming but it doesn't follow that it is any more dangerous than any other symptoms. In any case, all the panic and worry in the world won't stop anything or make the symptoms go away. Try to relax and distract your mind with some other task. Recognize that the anxiety is causing, or exacerbating your symptoms and realize that it is affecting how you react to the symptoms. I know you feel you are anxious because of the symptoms but recognize that you were already anxious to some degree before the symptoms occurred. If you can relax and distract your mind enough, you may find it easier to make a decision about what to do rather than just reacting in panic.

I hope you can get some relief. Let us know how it goes. Also, a final parting piece of advice--STAY OFF GOOGLE!!!! Google is not a doctor, searching for your symptoms serves no purpose and will only introduce you to new symptoms that your anxiety can then convince you that it is happening. Good luck!

01-06-2017, 12:19 PM
When my anxiety kicks in, it always effects my eyes. I've experienced sharp pains in and around my temples as well. I'm not sure if you've heard of ice pick headaches, but that's what I get sometimes. It's a sharp pain (like an 'icicle') in my head. It's extremely painful and only lasts for a few seconds. You may not have a headache with it but experience these hurtful picks. I'm not saying this is what you have, but it could be a possibility.

I think I know exactly what you're talking about with your vision. Is it like you can't focus on one spot and your eyes keep moving around? Its very hard for your eyes to stay still? If so, the same exact thing happens to me. I associate it with anxiety. Dizziness is so common with anxiety. I've actually been feeling lightheaded for 3-4 days because my anxiety has been through the roof. Just try and relax as much as you can... I know easier said than done... and take a few deep breaths in and breathe out. This really helps me calm down. Your mind is so powerful and can play tricks on you. Your mind can be creating these symptoms when you really don't have them. The more you think about it, the worse it's going to get. You're on vacation! Enjoy it and don't let the anxiety take control of you!

Good luck