View Full Version : Need some advice.

01-06-2017, 03:21 AM
Hi i was wondering if someone could help me? Ive been suffering with anxiety for the past 6 months and ive seen doctor and ive been put on Sertraline but im still anxious, however yesterday i found out that Magnesium is really good for anxiety..some people have said take it in a vitamin and others have said take it on its own? Whats the best to take?. Also if anyone as anything tips to help anxiety i would be so grateful. xxx

01-06-2017, 09:53 AM
Hey Welshchick,

Start off with magnesium on its own. It can sometimes cause stomach upsets, so you'll want to get your dosage right before adding other vitamins or minerals.

400-500mg of magnesium citrate (the type you find in good health shops) will be fine. Side effects are rare, but if you do get any, split your dosage over the course of the day so it's easier to digest.

01-06-2017, 10:28 AM
I would definitely take magnesium on it's own simply because it is both cheap and effective. Taking it in a vitamin will likely not give you an adequate amount to feel the benefits.

(also what jessed03 said ^)