View Full Version : Been sick and Quit smoking all in one week, going bonkers.

01-05-2017, 02:07 PM
So, I've had bronchitis the last week, I've also quit smoking. ( Cold Turkey)
Now I'm only 21, I haven't been smoking more than 4 years. But the last few days, my anxiety has just been killing me.
I'm not really taking any medications for it, I couldn't find any SSRI's that have been able to help me.

Just wondering if anyone had any tips for me.
I'm home sick, And when my girlfriend leaves for work, I just feel like crying all day. And i have no idea why, I wouldn't say i get sad, i don't feel depressed or anything. I Just feel like crying.
Its only when someone is here, or when my girlfriend is here, do i feel normal at all. I don't want to be left alone right now, but i know thats not an option cause shes gotta work.

What can i do to get through this? I'm sure its just a mix of being sick and not smoking that is playing on my anxiety.

It also probably wasn't the best idea to quit smoking and be pretty sick at the same time, but can't smoke with bronchitis. So i figured i might as well quit now!

01-05-2017, 05:17 PM
Hi darklazer32, congratulations on quitting smoking. Hope you're doing ok. Don't look at the peak of the mountain, just take one step at a time. Wishing you well!

The Intolerable Kid
01-06-2017, 06:55 AM
Good for you on quitting smoking. I found that I recovered from a cold more quickly after I quite smoking. I also quit cold turkey. It is very hard, but in the end it is worth it. Like Malone said, one step at a time. Hope you feel better soon.