View Full Version : first time therapy

01-05-2017, 05:15 AM
I have anxiety my whole life and never actually tried to deal seriously with the problem. I just waited till it got better and tried to bury it, then it would hit again at unexpected times. I've been to therapists 2-3 times, they gave me some advice but never proceeded to have more meetings with them. Yesterday I decided it's time to try therapy to deal with my issues in the long term. But I'm so nervous I can't even pick up the phone and make the call. How was your first time in therapy? Do you have any tips?

01-05-2017, 05:57 AM
I had a six week session three years ago. Following relationship issues I had been diagnosed with some OCD /hypochondria behaviour. The experience was awkward at first but not for long. I found it helped enormously with my problems at the time. Being able to talk openly to an independent professional was life changing. I worried at the time if the positive benefits would last. They faded but I am able to manage better and understand my thoughts better than I used to.

I would advise anyone to maybe make a journal of their experience to refer back to if it was positive to be able to refer back to and remember the thoughts/advice that proved essential at the time. I wish I had.

01-05-2017, 06:22 AM
Therapy was good for my GAD at first too. My therapist started cultivating my knowledge and understanding of CBT. I think went for six sessions in total, my anxiety was just so bad at the time I had to do something more than self help so that was the catalyst that made me pick up the phone. I still use the techniques I learned in therapy to reassure myself I have control over my thoughts/feelings. My two sense is accept the nerves of making the first call and dial it up anyway. Once you've completed the call you will feel that calm we all long for everyday. Let us know how it goes, good luck.


01-05-2017, 10:51 AM
Thank you both! And, Malone, I journal a lot anyway.
It's tomorrow evening :)

01-05-2017, 11:21 AM
The first time I ever went to therapy I was nervous as heck, it was weird confessing my feelings to a stranger.

I didn't go back for months but when I eventually did, I went to a new therapist (wasn't to keen on the first one). I specifically had intentions to ask about possible medication. This time she was VERY good and got to the root of my anxiety. I walked out of the door deciding I wouldn't be needing medication and I just had to rearrange my life a bit.

Overall it was highly beneficial and worth the initial butterflies!

01-05-2017, 11:32 AM
That's great DizzyPixie. Best wishes for tomorrow. Enjoy it if you can :)

01-07-2017, 05:29 PM
It went well, the therapist told me some things I wouldn't have thought myself, which is the nice thing about therapy. He listened to everything I had to say and even gave me more time because I came a bit earlier and I was his last appointment. However, it mostly was a "first meeting" thing, so we didn't discuss much about how to cope with my anxiety, which today has become worse. I don't know when I should make another appointment, next week I guess...

01-07-2017, 05:35 PM
If you think it will help, go back as soon as you can. If you can afford it there is no reason not to, plus you have established a comfort level now

01-07-2017, 05:44 PM
Yes, he doesn't charge much for students, like me, so I can go twice a month.

01-07-2017, 06:33 PM
I have had GAD for 20 years and haven't done too much therapy but I will say there were a couple of therapists who really did help me tremendously. Mostly there was one man that I saw for about a year when I was in college. I was going to drop out my anxiety was through the roof, but could barely function. He taught me a lot about no longer being afraid of anxiety itself and how to get through each moment. I don't even remember his name now but I don't even want to think about where I'd be if it wasn't for him.

01-09-2017, 04:13 PM
I don't remember. My dad's a psychologist so I've basically been in therapy my whole life. I'll say that it might take awhile to find someone you like. Maybe you just want someone to help you decide what medication would help you. Maybe you need someone to talk to as well. There's no real right or wrong way.