View Full Version : Posible causes of your anxiety??

01-04-2017, 02:45 PM
Hey guys!!

I just wanted t know why do you have anxiety disorder or what where the posible causes??

Well i think the reason was that that my dad, always insulted me and got angry when i did something wrong, he als rejected me always.
I was always alone, and shy, i goy bullied and the bigest cause might be my self-estemm which theres none of it...

Im just curious what the causes might have in common :P

01-04-2017, 03:31 PM
I was physically and mentally abused somewhat by my mother when I was very young and was over protected as a child by my parents
if that makes sense. When I used to go for therapy, that was their conclusion what has caused my health anxiety.

01-04-2017, 11:39 PM
I grew up without a dad and my mother who I spent all my time with suffered from depression and anxiety.

I have a long line of mental health issues in my gene pool as well.

01-06-2017, 07:05 AM
My grandma has panic attacks and I've had a host of mental health challenges throughout my life. I'm now almost 30 and it's taking the form of GAD, seems like I have a very difficult time getting out of my own head. I think I had a pretty good childhood, so nothing obvious stemming from how my parents raised me.....

01-06-2017, 08:16 AM
"Genetics loads the gun, behavior pulls the trigger." There is definitely a history of anxiety/depression/bipolar in my family on my dad's side. There was one great-grandfather who in family stories was always described as having "gone mad" though that was a long time ago before modern psychiatry so I don't know exactly what that means. Apparently it was bad enough that my great-grandmother divorced him, in a time when people didn't get divorced, especially if they had 7 kids and a farm to run. My early childhood was perfectly normal and loving, though I was always a timid, sensitive child. I can vaguely remember being worried about my parent's finances and marriage, due to overhearing them arguing. When I turned 14 or so is when I remember the anxiety coming to the forefront. My brother and I were now old enough to have our own ideas and feelings and we really clashed with our mom, whose narcissistic and controlling tendencies really came to the forefront once we were no longer little obedient children. She would blow up and berate us over the most trivial things and then put us down for being (naturally!) upset, and then when it was over just act as if nothing ever happened. She would manipulate you into doing what she wanted, wear the clothes she wanted me to wear etc and punish me if I didn't comply. When I say punished, I mean in a passive-aggressive underhanded psychological way, by ignoring us, undermining our accomplishments etc. I walked on eggshells and totally retreated into myself to cope. My brother acted out and defied her in every way, until she cut him off emotionally and financially. My dad and mom divorced when I was 15 and my dad was mostly absent.

Anyhoo...I've gone on too long, I could write a whole book lol. While I don't blame my mother directly for my anxiety...I feel like my experiences as a teenager just left me constantly cautious, guarding my emotions, and internalizing the self-criticism...I really don't think my anxiety would be so severe as it is now if I had a greater sense of self worth and acceptance of failure. It is a hard lesson to learn when everything your mind is doing to try to "protect" you is the one thing making your life a living hell.

01-07-2017, 05:31 PM
I spent a lot of time with my grandparents who always discussed illness and death, with graphic details, and my grandpa had health anxiety. My dad also has health anxiety. Then, I had a car accident and lost my brother, which contributed to my phobia of death.

01-08-2017, 03:59 PM
I think drugs may have caused my problem.

I was really stupid. Back in May of 2016 I was hanging out with my friends. One of them was a recreational drug user. He asked me if I wanted to try a "Jelly Bomb". It is a concentrated dose of THC. I remember that night I had my first hallucination and panic attack. The next day I was fine, in fact I noticed no symptoms from it. But 4 months later I had some very intense nightmares. Nightmares that seemed "real". Then I had an incident where I encountered a burglar trying to break in to my home. But here's the thing, there was little to no physical evidence that a burglar had been there. I have heard stories of drugs having delayed effects and causing panic disorders months after they are taken.

01-08-2017, 05:19 PM
I didn't feel like I fit in anywhere as a kid. I faced rejection from my peers for years. I also felt uneasy around my mother, as her moods were unpredictable. This increased the timidity in a naturally shy child. I believe there is a genetic component as well.