View Full Version : Sinus tachycardia? Please help

Not Me
01-04-2017, 01:43 PM
I am a guy in my mid 40's. I have always been high anxiety but functional in society up until 10 years ago when I suffered my first panic attack. For the most part I am ok however about every three years my anxiety goes crazy to the point that I can't drive or leave the house. I am going through one of those times now and loosing lots of weight because I cant eat. One of the new problems I developed is sudden onset of high pulse. Don't get me wrong, I know panic attacks can raise your pulse, I am used to that. My new symptom is that my pulse is completely normal, shoots up to 160 bpm for no apparent reason, stays at that for 5 to 10 minutes then returns back to normal just as quickly as it started. Its just bam. high heart rate and bam normal heart rate. During this time I just lay on the ground and attempt to get my breathing correct. Sometimes it hit me when I am not even anxious. I have had a halter monitor done and the doctor said I have sinus tachycardia. The problem is that I had no symptoms of what I am concerned about and I know my pulse was high during the test because I forced myself to go to work, so yeah I agree with what the doctor had seen. Anyways I could use some help. Does anybody else suffer from sudden onset and sudden return to normal pulse? I normally get high resting pulse about 130 or so that slowly returns to normal as the adrenalin get burned off over time. This all started a few months ago when I collapsed on my everyday 3 mile walk. I have not been able to return to normal exercise as I am always out of breath.

01-05-2017, 01:54 PM
HI Not Me
Take a look at the link by net doctor, what is tacchycardia, it might be helpful. Do you drink a lot of coffee or tea? Have you had your thyroid checked? I get atrial fibrillations which is a whole different story and requires regular monitoring. From what I understand the sinus rhythm indicates the hearts normal pacemaker which simply speeds up at times. In cases like atrial or ventricular tacchycardia, the impulses are fired off some crazy cells in the atrium or right or left ventricle. Sinus tacchycardia isnt one of these cases. I am no doctor, so it is best to ask your doc, but I believe everyone gets these once in a while, and they don't affect the structure of the heart. Again ask your doc. I hope all goes well for you


01-05-2017, 02:29 PM
Welcome to the forum. Maybe your thyroid should be checked out, along with a complete blood work-up to make sure nothing else is
causing the problem, such as anemia, an electrolyte imbalance, etc.

01-09-2017, 09:22 AM
My new symptom is that my pulse is completely normal, shoots up to 160 bpm for no apparent reason, stays at that for 5 to 10 minutes then returns back to normal just as quickly as it started.

This really happens for no reason or it is a panic attack? Just call a doctor and take a test and tell him. This needs to be looked at. My heart rate used to go past 160 but it was panic. I knew someone that had severe tachycardia out of nowhere and it ended up being a thyroid problem an she had the thyroid treated and it went away. It could be something else. Definitely make an appointment. The doctor may refer you to a cardiologist and you'll get an answer hopefully. Definitely get thyroid and TSH checked.