View Full Version : Tingling Nose?

01-03-2017, 09:12 PM
Has anyone ever experienced having a tingling nose with anxiety? I've never had this before and it's freaking me out. It's so hard to explain, but it feels like my nose isn't there at times. It's not numb because I can still feel it when I touch it. The top part of my nose (right below the middle of my eyebrows) does this small tingling feeling. It happened to me a few times today and I just blew it off. It happened to me about an hour ago and now of course it's happening more because I'm worrying about it.

I also have ringing in my ears which I only notice at night time when I'm laying in bed or if it's quiet.

I have bad pins and needles in my hands and feet for 3 days but today is the first day without experiencing that. Also have been lightheaded a lot but today not so bad. But today my left eye did start twitching a couple of times. I have a fear of MS. could this tingling all be because of MS or Fibro??? If I had one of these two, the symptoms wouldn't go away would they? They would be consistent and get worse...??

01-04-2017, 05:31 AM
I suppose it's because of that little vain on the top of your nose, sometimes I have it too but it never concerned me.
Tingling I have too, especially when I stretch my arms, but I suppose it's normal as well. And the eye twitch, it can definitely be caused by anxiety or bad sleep. ;)
The lightheadedness is a very common thing, too, it's the first thing that strikes me when I'm anxious.