View Full Version : Nothing good happens to me :(

01-03-2017, 12:01 PM
Hey guys!

So as it says, nothing good happens to me, im a good person, i cant hurt anyone, i care a lot,
help others, give all i can and still nothing good ever happened to me. The worst is that bad stuff happen,
i get mental disorders, im alone, fail a everything, people use me, etx, etc, etc... i just dont get it.
Treat others how u want to be treated they said, i get the opposite of what i give, i have always
bad luck, for example: on one subject i got a less grade than my other team mates, we need to do a
presentation in a group of 3, and i did all the work, they talked all the time in class and i still get
a worse grade, it only can be bc i had a panic attack and couldnt do the presentation and the
teacher know i have an anxiety disorder, so wtf is happening. I also learn all i can i try hard, i have
ADHD so it makes it harder, and i still got shit grades, i dont get it... i dont succed in anything and im not just
laying arround, i really try.

I dont know what to do anymore, anyone else like me??

01-03-2017, 01:10 PM
we all need self-compassion. we have a debilitating disorder (anxiety/panic) that causes us a lot of suffering. we need compassion. begin w/ self-compassion and the compassion that's in the universe for you will become clearer and you'll notice it. but if we're constantly beating ourselves down, nothing good can manifest.

remember that you didn't ask for this. it's not happening because you're a bad person. you do see that, which is great. you would never hurt anyone, you try your best, you care -- these are the things that matter. so practice self-love and self-care. you'll feel better. your load will feel lighter. when you hear yourself saying "i HAVE to do this", take a break. then ask yourself, what brings me joy? what brings me pleasure? what calms me? make sure those things are in your life in a big way. that's how to stay healthy. that's how to stay balanced. that's how to elevate your mood and have less anxiety. try it, it'll help.