View Full Version : What are your mental health related resolutions?

01-03-2017, 10:24 AM
Hey everyone. I have always made an extreme effort to follow through with new years resolutions as I have been able to accomplish some great things in the past such as quitting smoking.

I am wondering if any of you have set resolutions to improve your mental health this year?

I personally need to start going to bed waaay earlier as well as stop drinking coffee due to my anxiety. I feel like my coffee use is largely due to me staying up late anyways. I will very likely be taking my diet a whole lot more serious as well.

01-03-2017, 10:54 AM
Firstly for me it is being serious about my diet and my health as well. For general health and anxiety reasons. The more weight I have gained and the more crap I've eaten and less exercise I get, the more severe my anxiety has been. That is definitely not a coincidence. I also have been drinking a lot more alcohol than normal, which is not helping. It's not addiction or anything but I used to never drink at all except in a few social situations, now drinking a glass of wine at least a couple times a week. I crave the relaxed feeling I get from it short term, but in the long term it leads to more anxiety.

Second, to become mindful of my thoughts again and to learn to accept the anxiety instead of running away from it. I went through long period of relatively low anxiety before this recent spate of endless anxiety. It's like I became very complacent about it and forgot to be mindful. Which has led to uncontrolled thoughts that get out of hand. I am currently trying the DARE method which I like, it is simple and habit forming - I want to really internalize the message and no longer fear the anxiety.

01-03-2017, 11:52 AM
I normally dont do new year resolutions I've never been good at sticking to them. This year though I'd like to be different I finished last year with one issue on the right path and id like to follow through in this year. That's where my mental state comes into the game because when the issues are normally in fix mode Mental health wants to come and play and it dont play nicely. Only time will tell

01-03-2017, 12:17 PM
I don't do any new years resolutions either.

01-03-2017, 03:12 PM
I used to do resolutions but they make me more anxious. :p

01-03-2017, 08:47 PM
To improve sleep. So, same as you really.

01-04-2017, 10:43 AM
Firstly for me it is being serious about my diet and my health as well. For general health and anxiety reasons. The more weight I have gained and the more crap I've eaten and less exercise I get, the more severe my anxiety has been. That is definitely not a coincidence. I also have been drinking a lot more alcohol than normal, which is not helping. It's not addiction or anything but I used to never drink at all except in a few social situations, now drinking a glass of wine at least a couple times a week. I crave the relaxed feeling I get from it short term, but in the long term it leads to more anxiety.

Second, to become mindful of my thoughts again and to learn to accept the anxiety instead of running away from it. I went through long period of relatively low anxiety before this recent spate of endless anxiety. It's like I became very complacent about it and forgot to be mindful. Which has led to uncontrolled thoughts that get out of hand. I am currently trying the DARE method which I like, it is simple and habit forming - I want to really internalize the message and no longer fear the anxiety.

I can definitely relate with the abuse of alcohol and diet affecting your anxiety, it is great that you have made the connection. Those are some great goals I hope you manage to knock them out of the park.