View Full Version : Ice Pick/Cluster Headaches - tumor worry

12-30-2016, 08:38 PM
I started getting these headaches this past summer. It's a sharp pain either on the top of my head or on the sides. Such a quick stabbing pain that lasts for a second and then goes away. It probably happens about 5 times a day. Sometimes it will last for a day and sometimes it will last for 3-4 days. I researched these when I first started having them and found out they were called ice pick headaches or cluster headaches. I probably get one about every month maybe a little more.

Well today is my second day of having it. I googled :( and found that these can be a red flag for a stroke coming up or a brain tumor, aneurysm, or blood clot. I also read that most people age 50+ get them and if you're young and experience ice pick headaches that you should get it checked out.... I am 23 years old.

I was diagnosed with anxiety 9 years ago and was put on medication. I worry so much and I know this is probably just my anxiety but there is still that chance where I'm thinking it's something serious


12-31-2016, 12:07 AM
hi, i have chronic migraine but i know a lot of people w/ cluster headache because they're both serious chronic headache conditions. i run into a lot of "cluster heads" on the support forums, some are close friends.

cluster headache is a serious chronic pain condition. serious in the sense that people who have it suffer debilitating head pain -- as you already know. HOWEVER, cluster headache is not a "red flag for a stroke coming up or a brain tumor, aneurysm, or blood clot." yes i understand you read that somewhere on the web, but that is, well, horseshit.

cluster headache is cluster headache. first thing you should do is get a REAL diagnosis from a HEADACHE SPECIALIST. Self-diagnosis is not too reliable. A headache specialist is a NEUROLOGIST who specializes in treating headache disorders. check out yelp or whatever resource you use to find doctors. locate a neurologist in your area, but before you make an appointment, make sure they are a HEADACHE SPECIALIST. Because while all neurologists have some knowledge of headache, you want one who is up on the latest research and treatments and can actually help you manage your condition.

i'm going to add one last thing: whenever someone with nasty headaches (like yours or mine) turns up at a neurologist's office they WILL order an MRI to rule out something really serious e.g. brain tumor. This is ALWAYS done. You needn't worry. The odds of having a brain tumor are miniscule. it is highly highly highly unlikely that you have anything like that. it is highly highly highly likely that you have a headache condition (possibly cluster). They are EXTREMELY common. 40 million Americans have chronic headache conditions. Hopefully you can get some good treatment to relieve your pain -- and cluster is treatable.

Hope this helps.

P.S. the age thing relates only to prevalence of the condition. in other words, it is true that the largest demographic group of patients w/ cluster headache happen to be 50+. but cluster is not more of a concern if you're younger, nor does your young age relate to any kind of "red flag". ANYONE who experiences so-called ice-pick headaches (cluster) or any other serious head pain should get it checked out for their own well-being.

12-31-2016, 07:24 AM
Stay away from Google! Google is not a doctor! You have a headache is all you know, you don't know you've had cluster headaches just from reading Google. Headaches are a common anxiety symptoms, I get them alot when my anxiety increases. Sometimes they are a dull throb, sometimes a sharp pain behind an eye, it varies. I take an Advil and once I calm down its gone. The constant flood of adrenaline and cortisol in the brain, the tensing of the muscles, clenching jaw, not breathing properly - all can lead to headaches.

However, once you start worrying about the headaches you become so hyper aware of them it increases the sensation of the pain even more. It is uncomfortable but it is not going to kill you. Take some Advil, try to relax and distract your mind with something else.

12-31-2016, 12:15 PM
Yes, agree w/ above. If the simple OTC remedies like Advil/Aleve/Tylenol relieve your headaches, you don't have a chronic headache condition (let alone something worse). I assumed you had tried those (as directed on bottle). Chronic headache conditions e.g. migraine and cluster don't respond (or barely respond) to OTC meds. In that case I would follow-up w/ a headache specialist.