View Full Version : My Anxiety

12-29-2016, 04:05 AM
Hi, i posted over in the introduction before and thought i would post about my anxiety here.

I think my anxiety started back in 2011 when i was 16, it was not as bad as it was back then as it is now, i first got anxiety after having confused thoughts about my sexuality thinking i was gay but ended up all going away after a few months knowing i was really straight. I think my anxiety went away after that and came back after i graduated from high school in 2013. I started getting insomnia after i graduated and that made me get anxiety that i couldn't sleep. Then my anxiety got worse as worse things happened to me like how i found out a friend i had in high school was a good friend of mine, started saying all these nasty things behind my back, how loneliness is killing me as i see a lot of guys my age having a girlfriend (girls have never really been into me), how my on and off insomnia was getting worse as i had a lot of sleepless nights, how something also happened between me and a good friend of mine, how my mother is always at me about everything, how hot and humid it is where i live and a couple of other things made it all worse. I have been on a few medications but i just feel they haven't made much difference.

I have had a lot of times where my anxiety has felt horrible, especially at night like where my heart is racing and i feel very uncomfortable in bed. Nothing really seems to calm it down, nothing at all. I don't get it a lot now, but when i would have it, it was really horrible.

A lot of the time, my heart is beating fast, i have had two hospital visits over it where my heart was like 110-120bpm and i got tests done and doctors came back and said it was fine. The medication i would take wouldn't slow my heart down. I don't often feel as if it's beating out of my chest but i can feel it beat faster than it normally would.

I sometimes seem to rush things too even if it's like playing a video game or watching a movie and i enjoy doing those things, there's some i'll rush but there's some i won't. I also sometimes walk fast to where i want to go. I try not to rush in my job though.

I've been needing to go back to the doctor but what else can i try for my anxiety? Relaxation music just doesn't really suit me, hypnosis didn't work, breathing or just relaxation exercises don't do much.

12-29-2016, 01:30 PM
It sounds like you have general anxiety as I can relate to a lot of these things.

This will be easier said than done but just seriously try to slow down and understand by rushing everything you are giving yourself less time on this planet to complete the bigger picture. Stress and worry never solved a problem. I understand it isn't just like flicking a switch but with work you will get better.

A quote I have been repeating to myself lately when I begin to worry is "nothing unreal exists". I view anxiety as something my mind makes up like a kid fears monsters. Realizing it isn't real shatters the effect it has on me. I let it do its thing rather than fight it and before I know it is gone.

You say breathing exercises don't do much but I think it is just because you haven't practiced them. Focus on your breath, and after a few weeks you will be able to slow your mind dramatically. I personally like to put some forest sounds on my phone and just lay back and imagine I am strolling through a jungle or something and before I know it I feel a whole lot calmer.