View Full Version : Anxiety and illegal drugs

12-28-2016, 11:20 AM
Hi, one and all I'm new here and suffer many an issue. Iv Done a search and searched with different words but felt I come up empty. So as the title says this thread is about Anxiety and illegal drugs as I feel there is a lot of people who suffer from anxiety because of illegal drugs . My hope is that this thread or another Can be somewhere for people like myself can come to for help and advice.

I'm a 37-year-old male been through a lot, child care, watching mom die aged 16, and years of abuse was my reality. But as the saying goes the older you are the wiser you are and I'm now nearly clean of all drugs and the years have gone so quick and a blur but I do feel iv gained wisdom out my mistakes. If this ain't the right move I apologize but maybe it could be.Please feel free to share or correct me

Many thanks peteski

12-28-2016, 11:12 PM
Hey Pete sorry to hear of your struggles, but you are not alone.

Could you describe the illegal drugs a little bit more? I smoked a lot of marijuana in my teenage years and I believe this is a pretty heavy factor in my anxiety even though I haven't smoked in years.

It is pretty well know drugs such as ecstacy, and cocaine among others can have highly detrimental effects on anxiety levels in both short and long term if used frequently enough.

12-29-2016, 02:24 PM
One of the potential side effects of certain drugs that are illegal is anxiety. And as someone who used to have anxiety issues, that one possible side effect is reason enough for me to never try those drugs.

I've already spent too much time dealing with anxieties. The last thing I'd want to do is have to deal with extreme nervousness again!

12-30-2016, 06:32 AM
Hey Pete sorry to hear of your struggles, but you are not alone.

Could you describe the illegal drugs a little bit more? I smoked a lot of marijuana in my teenage years and I believe this is a pretty heavy factor in my anxiety even though I haven't smoked in years.

It is pretty well know drugs such as ecstacy, and cocaine among others can have highly detrimental effects on anxiety levels in both short and long term if used frequently enough.

Hi and thanks for the reply. I pretty much started at the bottom with lighter gas then marijuana then ecstasy & cocaine then cocaine on its own then crack and the last 5 years crack and heroin and alcohol was there from the start.I'm 3 weeks off the Heroin now and now with the crack, the anxiety is back. I know the crack ain't helping I'm just happy to be of the smack

I'm with you 100 percent about these Drugs and the effects on anxiety & other mental conditions. Things are only going to get worse. Here in the UK, we have had some years now of legal highs now illegal but the damage is done plus you can still get these if you want. Nobody cares about what's going to happen to the users it's all about profit and these legal highs are untested so only time will tell.

Thanks again

01-05-2017, 02:18 AM
I can definitely relate to what you are going through. I've been addicted to methamphetamine for 15 years (I'm a 31 yr old female) and I also drink heavily. I don't know which came first, my anxiety or my addiction, but I know that they are definitely going hand in hand now. I am stuck in this horrible cycle of getting high, feeling overcome with anxiety, drinking to calm down, anxiety increases even more, etc etc. Any attempt that I have made to stop drinking and using was short-lived because my symptoms are so severe that I can't function. I don't know how I can possibly get out of this hell that I've created for myself.

01-11-2017, 12:38 PM
I can definitely relate to what you are going through. I've been addicted to methamphetamine for 15 years (I'm a 31 yr old female) and I also drink heavily. I don't know which came first, my anxiety or my addiction, but I know that they are definitely going hand in hand now. I am stuck in this horrible cycle of getting high, feeling overcome with anxiety, drinking to calm down, anxiety increases even more, etc etc. Any attempt that I have made to stop drinking and using was short-lived because my symptoms are so severe that I can't function. I don't know how I can possibly get out of this hell that I've created for myself.

Thanks for sharing I can relate to your comment so much. For me, Drugs & Alcohol came first and for some time my anxiety was not about. But last few months or so I could feel it while using then when I stopped the heroin and not the Crack well all hell came back and some. And even today all ok until I hit the pipe and I know that and still, do it. It's so messed up thinking it will be different but never.

Hope you get this and welcome

01-12-2017, 08:10 AM
Cái nÃ*y có vẻ hay ho đấy...........................

01-12-2017, 01:52 PM
I took some concetrated THC in the form of an edible, called a "Jelly Bomb" in May of 2016. That's when I had my first panic attack. I hallucinated that a man was coming after me with a knife. I slammed the front door of my house. I then passed out in bed quickly enough.

I was 100% fine. But 4 months later, when I was traveling, I awoke one evening to hear a screeching sound. I went to check it out and I saw a burglar in the window. This caused another panic attack.

The scary thing is that there was little physicla evidence to support it was a burgarly. It was what I "saw" and I was startled.

Could this be delayed effects of the drug experience I had months earler? There have been no similar experiences since.