View Full Version : My House Was Robbed A Week Ago

12-27-2016, 09:27 PM
Hey all. I was diagnosed with Pure O OCD and anxiety earlier this year. Last Monday my house got ransacked. A lot of precious stuff that we owned was taken from us and now I just cannot stop thinking that those burglars are still watching us, to come back for another round or just to be creepy.

For example, tonight I watched as an old 90's Camry pulled under a street lamp, turned their lights off and drove away three minutes later on the opposite side of the street of my house. I saw two people in the car and immediately I am freaking out, I stand guard on my porch and watch them. Then I go inside my house and watch with the front door cracked. I live in a VERY busy neighborhood and this kind of stuff happens often, but I am CONVINCED that it's something to do with the burglary each time I see something like this.

While I feel my house is fairly safe (we installed a HUGE safe, tons of cameras that record while we are out of the house, and a security system) I don't feel safe going to work or school or really doing anything by myself. I cannot relax. I cannot stop wondering if they are still watching and how to prepare myself.

I know these things take time to recover from. I considered a concealed carry license. Not only would that take months, I am admittedly a bit afraid of guns, especially carrying them. More so for the factor of them accidentally going off. However, living in one of the top three most dangerous cities in America, I don't particularly see a way around not owning one. I suppose I'd just have to practice and feel comfortable with the gun I do choose to use.

I just can't stop feeling paranoid all the time. Maybe it's justified by these weirdos parking outside of my house and turn their car lights off with two people inside then driving off a few minutes later. Anyone ever experience a break in that can help me cope?

12-28-2016, 07:40 AM
Welcome to the forum. We have always had an alarm in our house. What you went through can be quite scary.
The odds of them coming back are remote, especially since you have installed security measures in your home., which
will be a big deterrent. We have had our alarm go off a few times, but it was never anything.

12-29-2016, 04:55 PM
I agree that the odds of the burglars coming back is extremely remote because "returning to the scene of the crime" is the surest way to get caught..

But this would def produce PTSD in an anxiety sufferer (w/ O/OCD) like us, and likely in most other people as well. Having your home invaded by criminals is scary stuff. I've had it happen and have lost some items precious to me as well. It hurt a lot.

Really glad you and yours are okay. Stay strong, stay safe.

12-29-2016, 06:47 PM
Hey and welcome :)

The people in the car probably stopped to smoke some crack or something. That's often what's going on when a car stops for a few minutes at night and turns the lights off. I agree with the others here that it's very unlikely they'd come back because any thief with half a brain knows people crank up security after a burglary.

Instead of a gun have you considered a dog? Something like a Rottweiler or German Shepherd :)

Gypsy x