View Full Version : anyone out there that feels they have licked anxiety problem

01-11-2006, 07:42 PM
8) I thought I had control of my generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)
about 3 years ago I had a major anxiety episode it was triggered
from stress at work and at home trying to deal with 3 teenage
daugters I was off work for 5 weeks I was put on paxcil CR and
read a few books on the problem after about 4 weeks I stated
feeling normal again but recently my anxiety problem came back
I stopped taking the paxcil about a year and half ago and thought
I had my coping skills down but over the last few month I let myself slip back into the nagative thought patterns and worrying
about everything and problems with my daughter and now I started taking the paxcil again its not as bad this time I think
only because I know I got back to normal last time.Let me here
from you

01-12-2006, 11:58 AM
Hello, I have been panic free now for almost three years. No medication ever and it was really bad. When it first hit me, I had no idea what was going on. I kept it to myself and it scared me to death. The feelings and thoughts are unreal. I can not fathom having these attacks daily as some of you have experienced. It does get better and it is possible to get your life back

01-27-2006, 07:49 AM
Please could you tell me how you managed to get better?

01-27-2006, 08:00 PM
Yeah, please enlighten us.

i mean honestly, i thought i had it down for a few days...my anxiety was down, i didnt have any panic attacks, and i was feeling somewhat normal again. i just had a panic attack and it was horrible, i HATE IT, which was triggered by me reading up what might be the cause of chest pain ive been having rarely and it said "go to the emergency room now" like what the fuck? i hate when people write shit like this, not only does it make me flip out but its probably written by someone who doesnt have a fuckin clue what theyre talking about.

but please - dont just say "oh im over it" how about details HOW you got over it so it can help others who experience what you used to. this problem we have is one that literally ruins your life, and im sure we all want to get over it.

01-27-2006, 11:28 PM
Hey Kevin-

I felt so sad when I read your post. Look, I can't give you a quick fix, but it sounds like right now you're having some heavy anxiety and I know how horrible it is. I'm in the medical field (not a doc) and on every kind of form or Rx label it always has to refer you to the ER regarding rapid heart beat or chest tightness/pain. Rarely is it a heart problem, cause when we panic are heart races like crazy as if it were an 'AC/DC' bass drum. Because you were at the ER, your heart was checked and you were released. If something was wrong with your heart they would have done more cardiac tests and you'd still be there. So, I think you're heart is fine.

I've had panic attacks since I was a kid and when I was sixteen I completely freaked out and was having them everyday, all day long and I thought I was going to die, and after awhile, I just wanted to die because the only thing around the corner was another panic attack. I shook every minute of the day - it was a nightmare. I'm over thirty now and have control over my anxiety. You mentioned Zoloft and a benzodiazepine. I believe that is a good start. I know you said the Zoloft wasn't working, but how long were you on it? Cause it takes awhile for it to work - around three to six weeks and you cannot miss dosages. When you take SSRIs(Zoloft, Paxil, Prozac) you cannot skip dosages because when people are just starting these meds it's during a time when they have been experiencing bad anxiety and that's why there given it, and if you skip a dose or go off of it, you will have a physiological withdrawal which is compounded with the anxiety that already existed before taking the med. I understand being afraid of taking the med, I was too, but it got to the point were I saw my friends who had anxiety go on Paxil and their anxiety decreased soooo much that I decided to take it. I started at 20 mgs and after just a week I was feeling so much better. Because my anxiety was so bad for so many years I increased my dosage - after three months my doc increased it to 30mgs and I felt really good. You cannot start on a high dose. You have to slowly introduce the meds to the body. I think I've been on it around six years and now I take 60 mgs.

Everyone is physiologically different. So the type of med and dosage can be different. Paxil works great for me. I also take a benzodiazepine called Klonopin on an as-needed basis. A lot of people with panic attacks are prescribed Klonopin along with an SSRI.

Remember, you're not going to feel any positive results right away when you take a SSRI. For some reason I did in one week; and I was also taking the Klonopin at the same time. I do not know if Zoloft is the med for you. I do think the Klonopin would help you also in addition to a SSRI. Maybe the Paxil is better suited for you?

I highly recommend seeing a doc who specializes in anxiety disorders so he can really identify which med will work. You cannot do this alone. And you have to see a clinical therapist who specializes in cognitive-behavioral therapy; they're the ones who can guide you through this. It's not like seeing a "shrink" at all. You don't lie down on a couch and talk while they ask you stupid questions and give no advice or information. It's like having teacher or a mentor who sticks with you. These therapists care about their clients and that is so important especially when you start taking meds, because meds can be scary and when you're a person who already has anxiety and start taking meds sometimes you might start having anxiety and think it's the med but it’s probably anxiety. You need someone who knows about this condition and is familiar with anxiety meds so you can sort things out, and lean on - that's what they're there for.

You are going to be ok. I know right now you don't feel anything close to ok and probably think you'll never be ok, and probably think you're going crazy. You’re not crazy. The natural chemicals your body produces when you are having anxiety/panic makes your heart beat like mad; makes you shake all over; sweat; nauseous; have diarrhea; and feel paranoid. All of those symptoms are normal when you are having anxiety - and it sucks more than anything I know.

The meds interrupt the cycle of anxiety so that you don't escalate. The cognitive-behavior therapist is your security blanket and your teacher.

I've got more, but I think this is where you should start:

1) Find a psychiatrist who specializes in anxiety disorders.
2) Get a cognitive-behavioral therapist who specializes in anxiety disorders.
3) Do not give up because you will be ok.
4) Come back to the forum: the people who developed this forum will give you exceptional feedback/advice because the people here all understand what you are going through and many are having it really bad right now just like you are.

My heart bleeds for you. I wish I could wave a magic wand to bring you peace right now- just know in the near future you will break free from these cruel days.

Take care,


01-28-2006, 08:15 PM
Thanks soshy, but my doctor actually started me on 60mg zoloft to START, is this something I should be concerned about? Also, sometimes i have heart aches...not from being in love and getting dumped...i mean sometimes my heart feels like its getting piercing by a very tiny knife...but ive read this is from the anxiety, i just dont like it :S

and yes i have been to the ER, i left work early one day because i was having an extreme panic attack the didnt seem to end, it just repeated over and over and over...so i went to the ER and they hooked me up to all this stuff and the sound of my own heart was giving me even more panic attacks...but then they gave me a presscription for meds and let me go and i took a paxil right away and it seemed to help.

anyways, thanks for all your knowledge, but i dont think any medication is what i need...i think i just need someone to talk to that i dont feel with break my trust. i also have mood swings, and my depression swings like my moods do.


01-29-2006, 12:33 AM
Hey Kevin - Don't worry about your Zoloft dosage. Paxil and Zoloft are very different when it comes to dosage. The mgs are higher for Zoloft - doesn't mean stronger or more. Because of how severe my panic attacks were and the amount of years I had them, I felt comfortable choosing the Paxil and my doc agreed. I do know a few people on Zoloft, but they suffer more from depression than anxiety. I've not done a lot of reading on Zoloft as I have with Paxil.

I suffer from depression also - big time. More so lately because my world turned upside down. Long-term relationship ended when he just up and left. I supported him for many years and than he became different once he finished his schooling, and things became very bad....I never saw it coming and I was so confused.....I didn't know what was happening or why he changed so much. It got to the point where I was just trying to survive. Lost my job, car, home and went into financial ruins. I'm still confused. This is why I'm very depressed, but mostly confused because I really do not understand what or why this happened....and I'm still a little scared about it all. It's hard to shake off.

Yeah, I have had pain in my chest and use to think something was wrong with my heart because it use to beat so fast and so hard :o . The pain is from the chest muscles constricting for so long, mostly because of how we breathe when were panicking, and then when we relax or even during a panic episode the muscles are strained. It’s just like pulling a muscle in your calf - that’s what my doc told me, and told me not to worry because my heart was fine.

The cardiac monitors make me a nut case, cause all ya hear is the freakin beeping and that does freak me out. My heart beats so fast on those things that the beeps seem to overlap and it sounds like a flat line! :shock: I’ve always worked in the medical field and enjoy it, but I make the worst patient!

I have a friend who I can talk to about everything with complete ease. She has anxiety also, but she’s so much better now (yeah, the Paxil). We tell each other everything and NEVER EVER tell another soul anything…..it is such a blessing. I hope you can find someone to share what your going through... I know it's real bad for you right now.

Hey, don’t feel pressured about the meds. I talked about the SSRIs because it helped me, but everyone is different. Start where you feel comfortable. I hope today was better for you.

Take it easy :console: ,


01-30-2006, 09:41 PM
Thanks soshy, you rock! Well I was extremely depressed yesterday but I talked to an old friend which got me in a good mood...and just a minute ago I felt a panic attacking coming on from obsessive thinking again...but i kind of stopped it and just tried to relax myself, but its hard because if you slip up even for a second the panic attack will hit you twice as hard.

I'm thinking about getting a gym membership and working out and quitting everything (smoking and drinking) and I don't smoke pot or do any drugs, maybe it will help.

I am really sorry to hear what is going on in your life, *hugs back* I'm sure things can only get better from here for you. Other than that, I'm sorry but I really don't know what else to say, when someone isn't up front with you about things it comes as a surprise when you find out they're not interested in you anymore, I know it hurts but I'm sure you will find someone else soon enough.

Thanks for the knowledge