View Full Version : Herbal supplements for insomnia for my mother, please help

Topaz Emerald
12-24-2016, 01:31 PM
Hi everyone. I'm new to this forum. I will make it short. I am desperately to help my mom. She suffers from depression and insomnia. I want to find an herbal supplement that will help her sleep. If she can get some sleep I think she will get better. Please help.

silver lining
12-24-2016, 06:11 PM
20-30 drops of valerian root extract mixed in water one hour before bedtime. You can pick it up at a health food store. Also chamomile and kava is supposed to work too.

12-25-2016, 04:53 AM
I've tried herbal stuff for insomnia - velarian root & chamolian tea - and non herbal stuff - benzo drugs, melatonin, etc. None of these have worked amply
Recently, however, I have downloaded a diary entry app and titled it *locked thoughts*. Just before bed time, in this app I'd document the thoughts that would keep my mind awake / anxious (e.g the thought of not being able to sleep). And when I go to bed and arrive at this particular thought, I'd tell myself that this thought is locked away and so I do not need to worry about it right now.
And So what should you focus on instead? Mindfulness. Keep returning your thoughts back to the present moment (feelings, bodily sensations... anything that relates to the 'here and now').

In doing so, your mind will not fixated on anxious thoughts, or imaginary thoughts that would keep you awake. Having practised this, I was able to fall asleep quicker - from 5hrs down to 1hr.

It will also be helpful for your mother to practise mindfulness during the day whenever she gets a chance to do so. This is why so many anxious people feel better while they're driving; they need to be *mindful* while on the road in order to survive, rather than being mindful about their negative thoughts
Good luck

12-25-2016, 06:55 AM
If you are in the USA, a product called Res-q sleep may help. Chamomile, magnesium, lemon balm, melatonin, and valerian all may help.
It may be best to consult with a natural pharmacist or physician.