View Full Version : Please help me make my mornings better.

12-22-2016, 02:03 PM
I really need help. I wake up and my mornings feel like crap. I feel that nagging anxiety (not crippling), I feel kinda "blah" almost depressed. I don't feel any energy. I don't feel like "me". I just want to go back to sleep.

Mornings start at 7:45am. I wake up and get the kids off to school. I should start or be at work at 10am. So if I'm working from home I have 2 hrs to get thru, or if i'm going in I have 1 1/2 hrs to get thru. A shower and getting ready takes 30 min away from that time I have to get thru.

If I'm working from home that day, I should start working at 10am, but I'll still feel crappy at 10am. I'll try to go back to sleep to skip over the crappy times. Usually I can't get to sleep because of the fact I'm feeling crappy. So i just lie there. Possibly drifting in and out of a light sleep. But still feeling crappy. Once it's about noon, I start feeling a bit better.

When I am not working from home (i need to be at work by 10am). I might try and go back to sleep for an hour. Same deal. I feel crappy. But once I get into work, and start talking to my co-workers, I feel better.

When I'm done working and I'm back home, (say around 5pm). I feel wonderful. Full of energy, not "blah", not anxious, not anything.

About a 9 months ago before all this started, i had a previous job.. same hours and worked from home 24/7. I was always able to go back to sleep no problem. I would wake up feeling good and I would work.

What can I do to make myself feel as good as I do in the afternoon/evenings in the morning. (thus all the time). My daughter wakes up and she's happy as can be. Singing songs etc. I want that. How do I get there?

I've tried waking up and exercising right away. It makes me feel good temporarily. But then i'm just sitting there with time to get thru. Watching TV doesn't help.

I hope someone has the answer. I have a new therapist and just started with adding effexor to my mix.

Thank you all.

12-22-2016, 05:45 PM
Maybe the Effexor will help you. Try eating some breakfast and having a cup of tea and see if that helps. An outside walk can do wonders as well.

12-23-2016, 11:50 AM
I don't think you need to be on an antidepressant. I have been through this exact same thing and it is likely related to adrenal fatigue. Your adrenals are responsible for your stress response and energy cycles. If you are waking up feeling exhausted and just "off" your adrenals are likely suffering.

Have you been through any serious stress or exhausting periods in the last bit of time?

Try taking your diet seriously, do some meditation, take some nature walks and possibly some herbs reported to help for adrenal fatigue such as ashwaghanda or rhodiola.

I bet you will start to feel better.

When I go through phases like this I have a few tricks I use to get going in the morning. The first is taking a cold shower, it sucks but it will definitely get your body going (I have also found it makes my metabolism faster as well). The second is drinking a liter of water before having any coffee or caffeine and additionally avoiding caffeine entirely if possible (caffeine is notorious for hurting adrenal function). Lastly have a healthy but LIGHT breakfast. You need to eat something that will give you energy without weighing you down. I like a bowl of oatmeal and a smoothie with orange juice, spinach, a banana, and some berries.

I hope this helps!

12-23-2016, 08:19 PM
Also, no wonder your daughter wakes up happy. She has no bills to pay, no cares or worries or concerns, but I'm totally just kidding. I hate mornings too and my anxiety is at my worst because I'm not in the middle of doing something like I am in the afternoon which distracts me totally. I do best when I'm with other people or working on something I enjoy or engaged in some other kind of activity.