View Full Version : anxiety/panic attack out of nowhere??

12-20-2016, 09:28 AM
Hello, I just started lurking around reading everyone success stories and it makes me feel a little better. does the feeling ever go away completely? or am I gonna live this forever? here is my story..

I am 31 years old, a fairly active person love to go to the gym never really worried about much. I have never had a panic/anxiety attack before.

Last Thursday just like any other day I came home from work took some pre workout and hit the gym. it was leg day so I decided I was going to step it up a little in the squat and deadlift department. nothing too crazy about 45lbs more than I usually do. left the gym everything was fine. ate and hung out with my wife till it was time to go to sleep.
we are there laying in bed and all of sudden i felt like I couldn't catch a breath a satisfying breath. of course I started to freak out. breathing harder and harder. worse thing I could have done I did and it was googling heart attack symptoms. I thought i was going to die, i was thinking it was the pre-workout. i calmed down a bit after about 2 to 3 hours and fell asleep. I was feeling weird for the next 2 days but nothing like the first night. Sunday night it happened again.. this time I didn't hesitate and went to emergency at 1:30am they did a bunch of tests blood, x-ray of my chest, EKG, doctor tells me he can't find anything wrong that it all looks normal. that it could be anxiety. I stopped all pre workout supplements and just sticking to my normal vitamins.

does this last throughout the whole day? i feel it difficult to get breaths through out the day now, loss of appetite, I feel unmotivated to really do anything ,I am scared to workout thinking my heart can't take it. im tired and this is really hard. I managed to feel a little better looking at some website about "belly Breathing" which has helped me alot when i feel I cant breathe. I am going to keep researching the site for stuff I can take to help me through this.. I just wanted to share my story I think the initial incident traumatized me wish me luck everyone, and good luck to everyone else out there experiencing this terrible feelings

12-20-2016, 10:38 AM
If this is new to you which it sounds like it is then you likely won't deal with this for long. Pre workout supplements are absolutely insanity and total overkill.

If I have half the caffeine that is in most pre workout supplements I would be in the hospital without question. Anxiety from a caffeine spike like that can last for days, and you likely got traumatized by your gruesome welcome to anxiety.

12-21-2016, 12:34 PM
If this is new to you which it sounds like it is then you likely won't deal with this for long. Pre workout supplements are absolutely insanity and total overkill.

If I have half the caffeine that is in most pre workout supplements I would be in the hospital without question. Anxiety from a caffeine spike like that can last for days, and you likely got traumatized by your gruesome welcome to anxiety.

Agree. Avoid coffee, eat regularly, try mindfulness medication