View Full Version : does anybody else have a backwards sleep schedule?

Unwise Emily
12-15-2016, 08:03 AM
my life revolves around a completely backwards sleep schedule. homeschooling mixed with very understanding parents has slowly encouraged it. in a normal day where i wake up naturally and sleep undisturbed, i get out of bed between 4pm and 6pm, then go to bed between 8am and 10am. i feel like i'm really missing my life and i can't fix it no matter what i try. has anybody else felt that?

12-15-2016, 08:08 AM
Welcome to the forum. A friend of mine is a prison guard and he works the 10pm to 6am shift. His wife works a normal schedule and they
have 2 kids in their teens. His attitude is you do whatever is necessary in life to get things accomplished. I think you have to try to adapt that attitude and
in reality you are not missing your life at all.

12-15-2016, 10:17 AM
My sleep schedule is somewhat normal in the sense that I I wake up around 9am and go to bed around 1am. That being said I am quite often very tired all day then awake all night which is really annoying. It gets me in a nasty cycle too since I am not tired at night I stay awake all day and then I am tired all day again.

12-15-2016, 04:08 PM
i used to have a lot of trouble sleeping... i work online so sometimes the temptation to stay up and work all night is there.

this past week i noticed my sleep schedule was going towards sleeping later 2am, 3am, ect... and when i wake up i have all sorts of anxieties... lack of sleep is a big one... especially when i wake up energized.

as far as having the night shift schedule i think half the issue is getting used to it and the other half is recognizing that the anxiety may be caused by it... often times this realization cuts the anxiety down quite a bit... and also try something relaxing before you get out of bed - for me i read or listen to philosophy... lots of wisdom for anxiety sufferers in there ;)

12-15-2016, 08:39 PM
Mine's pretty "backwards" (or hardly any or none). I go through all sorts of phases depending on my stress levels I think. I just slept over 12 hours (woken up once) with no benzos for two days. Go figure.

The Intolerable Kid
12-16-2016, 05:45 AM
I worked 2nd/3rd shift for 15 years. There are good things about living on that schedule. No standing in line or waiting in traffic. There are also negative aspects. Appointments with doctors and dentists can only be made during the day. When my father in law died my wife got very depressed and I could see her being alone all night was not good for her. That was when I changed my job to day time hours so we could be on the same schedule.