View Full Version : Burning Skin, Anxiety? (Need tips)

12-13-2016, 08:29 AM
Hello! I'm a 28 year old Male, never had problems with anxiety or depression, and never had any serious diseases.
I'm from Sweden so please excuse my English :-)

around 7 months ago I joined a special group on FB, this group was VERY shallow, and make me more and more self cautious..
I started posting selfies, and getting a lot of attention. (I look very good, but have some acne scarring on my cheeks (shallow) )
These scars never bothered me, cause I saw myself as a Man who don't stress myself over silly matters like this, but then this got the best of me.

After realizing I cant take photos in every lightning and my scarring looks worse in some, i got kinda desperate so I started searching for some treatments.
5 Months ago I did my first treatment (Filled my cheek-scars with a dermal filler) But she used some soft thing to soften the edges and did not fill anything at all.
So I wasted my money on nothing. I then did another procedure in our capital city and this was also a letdown.

After loads of cash spent and time dealing with healing I was left with basically the same scarring, but now had red marks from where he "Sanded" down 3 scars to soften the edges, which takes forever to heal
back to normal skin color. And I also received some hyper pigmentation (Not sure if from sun, or from stress)

Anyways! After these procedures I got into a huge mental down-set. I was free from school, So I had 3 months of not doing anything. My family and friends was out on vacation so I was basically alone.
The moment I opened my eyes until i went to sleep , my scars was on my mind. I was looking in the mirror 60 times per day, trying to look in the absolute worst direction and using the worst lightning possible, almost torture myself.
Then I noticed the burning started on my back, and then It migrated to my face, and shoulder/neck/ears/scalp. And sometimes my thighs.

It has been 5 months since the procedure and I still feel this burning sensation. It is almost in my face every day (When It burns I get red under my eyes) and sometimes it goes on my neck and scalp and ears.
My skin also has become very sensetive, my skin does not tolerate any creams or lotions, It just makes the burning worse.

I noticed that when I was to go back to school after the summer break I was REALLY nervous about stepping into the classroom and If anyone would notice that i had any procedures done.
And I remember that, that day the burning was at its worst. I felt it EVERYWHERE and very intense, So intense that the day after It felt as I was in a fist fight the day before.

My skin feels best when im outside (Probably help to the cold, or that im walking and thinking about something else)
And It feels good when I'm in the shower, but whole body feels sensetive when Im out of the shower.

I have been to several skin doctors and regular doctors, Tests I've done:
Diabetes, Urine, Kidney, Allergies, Vitamin deficiency, liver. EVERYTHING looks good.
And all skindoctors (I met 3) they said they could not see anything on my skin and ruled out Rosacea (Was my concern first)

I've noticed when I dont give a f#ck and don't look in the mirror (To see if im red under my eyes or how my scars are healing)
It feels better, my skin feels much stronger and almost no burning.

But when a girl wants me to send a selfie through snapchat, I get alittle anxious and the burning starts hard.

Has ANYONE ANYONE experienced any similar symptoms? I have not been checked for anxiety or stress or anything.
But I can't see how this can be connected to my skin procedures, since 1. I have never read anything about that this could be a thing after a procedure. and 2. My burning seems to get better/worse depending on how i feel.

Anyone who can relate, shed some light over this, Something that helped them?

I dont feel depressed at all, I have many plans for my future. BUT i feel very anxious about my burning and being red, and i notice that I feel like everyone is look at me when I'm outside,
I can't get it how i can be like this now. I've had my scars (its very shallow scarring, not much) for many years, and they never bothered me until I got so self catious after I jonied that damn page.

I'm done with School, and I've just been Home for 5 months (Never been home for so long before, I have always been working)
and I'm beginning work in Januari again, I don't know but I think beeing home so much contributed to my anxiety (To much to think over silly things)

Is there anyone who can help a burning soul?

Kind regards

12-13-2016, 08:43 AM
Forgot to add, other symptoms that has manifested themselves during this period:

Shortness of breath when I'm about to fall asleep, I like sit up and gasp for air as if i uncautiously hold my breath in.
And I have a very hard time swallowing pills now (Feels like they are getting stuck south of my Adams apple, right in the little "hole" in the middle of my collarbones.
And as mentioned above, Skin burning and skin sensetiviy, escp in my face. But can affect ears, scalp, neck sometimes.

I feel strong, and balanced and I have not lost any power in any muscles or similar.

12-13-2016, 11:39 AM
Hello lentus, my anxiety has never manifested itself in a fashion identical to this, but if you have been to doctors and everything looks good it is very likely stress related symptoms you are experiencing.

You also mention when you do not worry it seems to be better so try not give a crap. If you worry yourself into hives you will be a lot more self conscious!

Anxiety manifests itself in some strange ways... Being around this forum you hear of new things all the time, so a burning sensation in your skin is not farfetched at all.

P.S. I will let you in on a secret... nobody is perfect my friend, we all live with some imperfections whether it is on our face, our body, or inside our hearts or minds. If a girl is too shallow to like you over some scars she does not belong in your life.