View Full Version : Learn How to Calm Your Hyperactive Out of Control Mind

Marie Lends
12-13-2016, 08:10 AM
While the mind is like a spinning top full of different ideas and doesn't stop until it falls over – it is fertile ground for anxiety and needs a brake to slow it down.


What is meditation?

In a nutshell – it is the calming of the mind.

Meditation is a means of transforming the mind, using techniques that encourage and develop concentration, clarity, emotional positivity and a calm, seeing of the true nature of things.

True meditation occurs when the mind is calm and silent, yet completely alert.

One meditation technique is not necessarily better than another. It is an individualistic process and is what suits you best to achieve the objective of calming and bringing the mind into the present.

Why you should try it?

By engaging in meditation you learn the patterns and habits of your mind and the practise offers a means to cultivate new, more positive ways of being. Meditation has a transformative effect and can lead to a new understanding of life. In doing so it can reduce stress and anxiety and fears.

Why Meditation is important in reducing anxiety?

Meditation is one of the most effective forms of stress reduction. It is a means of attaining mental peace and tranquillity. It enables one to focus on the present moment rather than dwell on the unchangeable past or unknown future.river-801734_1920

Anxiety is associated with the activation of the sympathetic component of the autonomic nervous system which, in its extreme, causes the “fight or flight” response. Meditation acts to reduce sympathetic activation by release of catecholamines and other stress hormones such as cortisol, and promoting increased parasympathetic activity, which in turn slows the heart rate and improves the flow of blood to the viscera and away from the periphery. Thus reducing anxiety or panic attacks.

12-13-2016, 06:07 PM
I personally do meditation everyday and I've noticed it has helped me a lot with my anxiety. I noticed that you didn't go over how someone could get into it. So I'll just quickly go over that.

Find a quiet place to sit, either on the floor with your legs crossed, or on a chair with your feet touching the ground
Close your eyes and rest you hands on you legs
Focus on your breathing and count to 10 with it. So breathing in will be 1, breathing out will be 2, and etc..
When you reach 10, restart from 1
Your mind will start to wander and thoughts will appear. Try and observe these thoughts without being involved in them or judging them. Simply be a bystander.
If you fall out of this observing moment, simply repeat the breathing technique I mentioned above
Do this for as long as you want

Don't stress about any time duration. If you can only meditate for 2 minutes a day, then meditate for 2 minutes. That will be better than not meditating at all and you'll still feel the results.

12-13-2016, 08:40 PM
for me i find it super helpful to not dive into the content of the mind when racing thoughts occur.

content of mind is the stuff... the thoughts and what they are about...

working of mind is the way our minds race and go on hyper drive...

because it doesn't matter what we are thinking about when our minds are in racing mode... it will make us crazy if we dive into the content and act like the content is the problem.

the fact is that the content makes no difference... its the working of mind that is the issue here.

like last night... the content was going crazy because i had coffee before bed like a jenuis with a capital J... and this coffee affected my WORKING of mind and made whatever the content was seem super in my face, fast, frantic, and crazy...

so i decided to know that the content wasn't the problem but rather the working... and my working was affected by the coffee... which is like putting rocket fuel in my minivan... things are gonna get messed up.

so chances are... when the mind goes fast... its the working (could mean you are super intelligent... or you had coffee... or not enough exercise... or just a hyper mood)

pay no attention to the content and the calm will come :o)

12-14-2016, 10:22 AM
Meditation is an absolute necessity not only for anxiety but depression as well. It can literally rewire your brain!

I don't go a day without meditating myself, I notice I have more energy, more focus, and I approach problems better ever since I began.

I never understood what is classified as meditation vs. breathing techniques but even something as simple as sitting with my back against the wall and just focusing on my breath for 10 minutes helps me leaps and bounds :).

Marie Lends
12-27-2016, 08:41 AM
Thank you friends for your replies. Please reply again if you have more info.