View Full Version : Whats medication for generalized anxiety / BDD ?

12-11-2016, 11:21 AM
I definitely need a break from the anxiety/Body Dysmorphic Disorder i have and was wondering whats the best medication which wouldn't mess with my head?

12-11-2016, 07:42 PM
I think you need to talk to a therapist/doctor on this one.

12-11-2016, 07:43 PM
I take Lexapro which helps with my anxiety, but I don't even know what BDD is and there might be good medications out there for that.

12-12-2016, 12:29 AM
Zen Meditation Magic: Secrets to Finding the Time for Peace of Mind, Every Day (https://wordery.com/zen-meditation-magic-professor-jennifer-brooks-9781495928994?currency=AUD&gtrck=bHZHWUxOLzVlMWcvV0VweGZlR3dDM0lqSHVxRFJtSFRn cXh5clM0TWF1aVY1SjNFeHVod0Nab1B3amsvWk5wQjBNMzFST1 F2ZVJFMjBKVFN2WXNqT3c9PQ&gclid=COeD47-P7tACFQ8IvAodfSQDKg)

Woops - you said medication hey ... My Bad.

Good Luck with that. ;)

I'll paste chapter 3 in the articles section soon enough. It's quite convincing.

12-12-2016, 07:03 AM
Medication should be used as a last resort when all else fails.

12-12-2016, 01:59 PM
I agree with Kirk. Use medication when nothing else works and all else fails.

12-17-2016, 06:18 PM
It's hard to say which medication would work the best since everyone's brain chemistry is different.

12-18-2016, 09:25 PM
I definitely need a break from the anxiety/Body Dysmorphic Disorder i have and was wondering whats the best medication which wouldn't mess with my head?

All anxiety meds may "mess" with your head to some degree, but mostly in a good way. Anxiety disorders (and depression) appear to be symptoms of the death of brain cells in the two hippocampal regions of the brain caused by high brain stress hormone levels. Antidepressants undo the damage by stimulating the growth of new cells, as does therapy and to a lesser extent Omega-3 supplements and exercise.

Generally, no antidepressant is necessarily more effective than any other, but some may be for an individual. The difficult bit is finding them. Either CelexaŽ (citalopram) and LexaproŽ (escitalopram) would be a good starting point as they are the two antidepressants most seem to tolerate well. Starting on a small dose, no more than 10mg Celexa, or 5mg Lexapro, should keep any side-effects to a tolerable level (discuss doing this with your doctor if he/she prescribes a higher dose)

12-19-2016, 06:02 AM
All anxiety meds may "mess" with your head to some degree, but mostly in a good way. Anxiety disorders (and depression) appear to be symptoms of the death of brain cells in the two hippocampal regions of the brain caused by high brain stress hormone levels. Antidepressants undo the damage by stimulating the growth of new cells, as does therapy and to a lesser extent Omega-3 supplements and exercise.

Generally, no antidepressant is necessarily more effective than any other, but some may be for an individual. The difficult bit is finding them. Either CelexaŽ (citalopram) and LexaproŽ (escitalopram) would be a good starting point as they are the two antidepressants most seem to tolerate well. Starting on a small dose, no more than 10mg Celexa, or 5mg Lexapro, should keep any side-effects to a tolerable level (discuss doing this with your doctor if he/she prescribes a higher dose)

Best advice I have read.. I suffered daily for 14 yrs would not take medication , worked everyday , struggled , cried when I was at home .. had a miserable life, then my mother my best friend died and it became more than anxiety, GAD it became depression also .. I could not function, my daughter was 5 at the time and needed her mom .. my doctor convinced me to try something I did and it made things easier to handle , to get out of bed and be a mother and wife , it didn't take it all away , but it helped. Sometimes it's easy to say don't take the medication, it will mess with your brain, but our brain is messed anyway from all the torture we put ourselves through . We shorten our lives from worry and stress , we change our brain chemistry from the negative thoughts of suffering everyday .. we are only here for a short time , why not take a pill to help us through if that's what it takes .
"This too shall pass "

12-21-2016, 12:43 PM
Medication is all right. I had used it for only 7 months with good result. But you have to consult with psychiatrist.