View Full Version : how much does your head make up??

10-29-2008, 04:58 PM
Let me start by saying I suffer really badly with anxiety and panic attacks...

My major concern at the minute is my throat. I keep getting this 'crackling' sensation that feels like little air bubbles popping, and sometimes feels like air gettin stuck that i need to burp out. Now I know that feeling like something is stuck in your throat is a symptom of anxiety... but the crackling is really concerning.

I mentioned it to my dr when i went about something else recently, and she said something about emphasymic something or other, which really frightened me! i didnt ask any further at the time, but i'm going to make another appointment to ask her again why its happening.

I am 23, and i've smoked on and off since i was 15, but i haven't smoked now for nearly a week cuz this thing is scaring me so much. I made the mistake of posting a question about it on a forum unrelated to anxiety, and someone said to me U MUST SEE YOUR DR ASAP!! which obviously being a chronic anxiety sufferer sent me absolutely crazy!!

I guess what i'm trying to get at is has anyone else ever suffered this symptom? Am I so worried about it that my brain is making it worse? I'm convinced that even if i never touch another cigarette again that its too late and i've already got some horrible degenerative respiratory disease thats gonna leave my on oxygen for the rest of my life!

I keep questioning why am i apparently the only one with these sorts of problems?! is it that i'm the only one making a fuss about it, or is that no-one else gets them? lol. I know the dangers of smoking, but i know soooo many people of many different ages that smoke a lot more that I did, and they dont have this problem!

Any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks xx