View Full Version : ALS Fears For the past 6 Weeks

12-08-2016, 02:36 PM
Hi all, I'm brand new here and wanted to join because my anxiety has come back strong. I was diagnosed with OCD when I was about 8 years old and am currently 25. My OCD has manifested itself as Health Anxiety for the past 4 years or so due to me being diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis. Today I am fighting the anxiety induced ALS scare and I need your support, please hear me out.

So it all started with the following symptoms.

Week of October 30th: Started noticing my feet and shins/calves getting weaker/burning quicker during workouts. Pain/weakness in thumb and pinky fingers on both sides.

Week of November 6th: Started noticing consistent burning/tightness/numbness in buttocks progressively going down hamstrings to calves which is now primarily in shins and calves when standing/walking/exercising/flexing.
Was on Gabapentin for a week but stopped due to diarrhea (still active but not as bad, could be UC acting up) and what seemed like increased symptoms.
Week of November 13th: starting to feel more weakness in forearms and find it harder to do things such as typing and other everyday tasks due to forearms and fingers tiring out quicker. Eyesight seems to be more sensitive to bright lights, especially bright screens, sometimes focus issues. When laying down at the end of the day a rushing feeling goes to my legs which is extremely uncomfortable. Towards the end of the week started waking up with numbness in hands and forearms that would go away within a couple of minutes. Very short bouts of pain in legs/arms/hands. Went to my usual chiropractor appointment (Every 2 weeks) who said I was out of alignment, specialize in upper cervical care.
Week of November 20th: Left arm goes numb more often from shoulder down the arm but can still function when this occurs. Tongue gets tired more easily with increased tightness/fatigue below jaw and neck. Increased twitching in arms, legs, hands, whole body. Noticing what seems like decreased mobility in right hand ring and pinky fingers (Not sure if this is just how my hand has always been).

I saw my Primary Care doctor twice up to this point and then saw a Neurologist.
I had xrays done to check my spine and they all came back fine. I have been sent to Physical Therapy to take care of my legs because they think it could be a hip issue (I am an avid crossfitter and lifter so this is possible). The arms they believe is due to mild Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (totally possible since I have a desk job and never really practice proper posture plus to a lot of burpees which are not fun on the wrist).

Fast forward to today and my legs are slightly better due to PT and help from my chiropractor. My hands seems to be getting better with regular stretches and I think any remaining clumsiness is strictly from being in a constant state of anxiety due.

Once my arms and legs showed slight improvement my mind started focusing more on my tongue soreness that I had explained before. My current symptoms over the past two weeks from that are as follows:
Tongue soreness
Tongue seems not as mobile, I can still move it around my lips, stick it completely out, and tent both cheeks but it just seems less mobile when trying to touch the back of my gums by my molar teeth (not sure if it has always been that way)
Edges of tongue feel like they are constantly touching my teeth, can't get my tongue comfortable because I don't know how it is supposed to normally sit anymore.
Trouble speaking, I feel like it is harder to speak although no one has mentioned anything, no one thinks I'm fumbling my words more than usual
Throat feels hollow
Yawning is not the same as it used to be
Can still swallow everything fine but I feel like food gets stuck more often or more small pieces of food are being left in my mouth.

Sorry for the long rant on symptoms, but do you guys think this is just anxiety related?

12-08-2016, 05:15 PM
Yes all of your symptoms are very common anxiety related symptoms.

I would recommend against doing workouts. I would assume lifting weights. Strenuous activity overstimulates your body and makes it harder to recover. Stick with walking, or light jogging.

12-08-2016, 05:24 PM
Thanks Teafrenzy, I signed up for yoga per the Neurologists recommendation. I still have been doing weights but pretty mellow in comparison to the usual. I'll try to taper off like you said in order to give my body time to recover. I feel like it may take awhile for the anxiety symptoms to go away with how bad my attacks have been.