View Full Version : Strange Symptom - Sore spots on my head.

12-07-2016, 09:02 PM
Anyone else have this or had experienced it?

I feel pressure in my head often. Ok this is a normal anxiety symptom. When I probe my head with finger tips I find sore, tender, sensitive spots. When I press on them it hurts. The areas are right behind my ears where they meet my head, my temples and one sore spot on the top right part of my head.

The strange thing is when I massage them..it hurts when I touch these spots initially, but when I am done massaging them, it feels really good. In fact sometimes I get a strange energy rush and I feel pretty good. It's do it yourself acupressure.

12-08-2016, 08:00 PM
bump..any insight.

12-08-2016, 08:37 PM
Well I think the scalp is pretty sensitive, I have the sore feeling behind my ears too, must be a lot of nerve endings in that area. And yea scalp massage feels awesome. Getting my hair washed at the hairstylist is heaven. Ive seen these spider looking devices you can use to massage your own scalp.