View Full Version : major relapse of panic

10-29-2008, 08:43 AM
oh gush, just slowly getting to myself after major panic attack, it started when I was in GYM, I felt a little funky, and faint like, but made it to end of my routine. Then had had 10 minutes sauna and when driving home started to feel weak again. When got home I got it - weakness, stiffness in muscles, tingling/numbness all over my body, hands, legs, face that I had to lay down. I couldn't even reach bottle with water. I was barely able to take xanas and for 15 minutes I was thinking I'm dieing until xanax kicked in and I started to feel better. Now I feel like drunk, dizzy and weak. Anybody got panic attack like this?
It's my third time this year.

10-31-2008, 05:05 AM
No my first panic attack was last year and i thought i was having a heart attack.
I didn,t have another one until july this year.
Myself and my husband were argueing a lot (well 2 months solid) and one morning i got up and had a huge panic attack.
I went to my g.p who sent me off for blood tests,she did say it was more tham likely down to anxiety.
A few wks later i discovered that my 18 yr old daughter is pregnant and has split up with the babies dad so i have been trying my best to be there for her.
my panic started with my finger,s tingling and i felt really weak and faint.
Next thing my pulse was raceing and i neede to go to the toilet a.s.a.p.
I really felt as though it wasnt me.
I have also been asleep and woken up by a panic attack.

11-01-2008, 09:14 AM
actually I argue with my wife also, in general our marriage is not the best.
I wonder how this can affect my anxiety. I use to think I don't care but maybe I do...

11-02-2008, 10:06 AM
Bad marriage WILL affect your anxiety, i have one rule for my anxiety relief, i never take things to close to my heart and feelings, that way i have 50% less attacks, try it :)

11-05-2008, 11:22 PM
Proxy... understanding the chain reaction that leads to anxiety and panic attacks gives you the tools to know how and WHERE to cut the process.

First... The physiological even of anxiety is CHEMISTRY driven... you have chemicals that trigger a paralyzing fight or flight response from your autonomic nervous system.

BUT before the chemistry can rush and make you feel a choking, heavy, suffocating sensation, you have to have the EMOTIONS that drive the response of the autonomic nervous system.

BUT before you have these emotions... you MUST have a mental reaction to an event...

maybe that event is a glance from your wife. A tone of voice.. or even just a memory in your own head.

While you cannot control what your wife does or even the memories that pop up... REMEMBER that I said... emotions are caused by a mental REACTION to an event.


Hell... dogs, circus monkeys, and even mice can have their reactions trained.

Now, all you have to do is identify your anxiety triggers and interrupt the pattern that brings up your conditioned habitual REACTION and You will stay calm in the eye of a hurricane!

11-06-2008, 08:39 AM
I know you're right, but of course you know also that controlling your emotions is easier to say then actually execute...

11-06-2008, 09:24 AM
try meditation, I could actually use panic attack during my mediation.
It's the best way to get friendly with her...