View Full Version : I need help

12-07-2016, 06:18 PM
I convinced myself I have MS and I DO have almost ALL symptoms, the biggest one is MUSCLE TREMORS i know they can be anxiety but..
mine are always happening.. like through out little spots on my body
Tiny patch of numbness on my ankle, and my spine hurt a couple days ago!?!?

12-07-2016, 08:01 PM
I see you have posted several times about this recently, you must really be freaking out, that sucks. I know you want some reassurance but I am not a doctor. However neither are you, that is the problem with self diagnosis, anxiety really can mimic a lot of symptoms, especially once you've googled them. I have not experienced the exact symptoms you have but I've had twitching in the fingers a lot, always on the same hand. I used to have a twitch in my eye that I convinced myself wax a stroke. It really was just anxiety, like I could literally turn the symptoms on and off by how much I thought about them. The problem with anxiety is it is never really off... You are still anxious even if you aren't panicked. That makes it hard to determine whether the symptoms are real are not. The symptoms you describe don't seem that alarming to me actually. I mean even if they are real they could be caused by other things, MS would be the worst case scenario. It's not like you are bleeding out of your eyes or anything. I'm not trying to make light of your health but one thing that anxiety leads to is catastrophisizing or letting your mind go immediately to the worst possible outcome.

I think you said before you have had some tests done already? Sorry if I'm confusing you with another poster. If you have to call your doctor again for it. Don't be embarrassed, let them know the symptoms you are worried about and also let them know about the anxiety you are having. If your doctor can't put your mind at ease it is time to see a psychiatrist if you don't already. Do it tomorrow why wait? In the meantime, promise yourself you won't Google or research any more symptoms. I hope you can get some relief soon and get a bit of sleep tonight.

12-07-2016, 08:57 PM
There are tests for MS. You can go see your doctor. My guess is that he has seen enough patients to determine that you don't have MS with a basic examination.

12-07-2016, 11:12 PM
I am so sorry. I can 100% relate.

Here is my typical process:
1) Something happened, or something is off... pain/discomfort somewhere unusual, or I did something and hurt myself.
2) I start wondering what it could be. I head straight for worst-case scenario (disease, significant injury, debilitating issue that will get worse if not immediately addressed).
3) I become acutely aware of whatever sensation I'm feeling.
4) I (argh) google/search for what could be causing my symptoms.
5) I see unlikely but possible horrible possibilities.
6) I get even more aware of every little thing my body is feeling or doing.
7) I'm even more focused, and now stressing about what's going to happen if I don't get it looked at, but simultaneously embarrassed about being seen about what to most people must seem like a mild annoyance.
8) I stew for a while, feeling lame, but still worried, and eventually give in and book an appointment.
9) It's almost always fine, nothing wrong.
10) Suddenly, the issue disappears - sometimes even in the waiting room or appointment.

Not sure if this is you, but this is definitely me. I think the quick answer is just go in to your doctor and get his or her input. Of course, at least for me, the bigger picture is to hopefully reach a point where I don't have to have every little thing checked out. Maybe that's what you're wrestling with too... I'm still working on it. I actually deleted the google app from my phone today, although I can still search for stuff on my laptop.

silver lining
12-08-2016, 12:50 AM
when I thought I had MS I asked my doctor, he said its more common for the symptoms to affect your lower half such as legs and feet. Don't worry, it sounds more like anxiety affecting your body. My doctor also indicated that there is no definite "MS test" one can take over night. It takes a while to confirm one even has it by ruling out other things. Don't worry, give your mind a break from worry.. Just take care of yourself and "ride the wave of life". You'll be fine.

12-08-2016, 07:33 AM
thank you that actually made me feel better

12-08-2016, 07:51 AM
Google is the worst for anxiety!! I have a bad habit of googling everything in some attempt reassure myself but it ALWAYS backfires! Just say no lol. I may consider removing the app but I don't know what good that would really do as I will just go through my browser or something anyway. I don't really suffer from health anxiety per se but I have at times been worried about something with my health. Rtayatay's list is spot on, even for non health type anxiety, especially # 10. I find once my mind becomes hyper aware of any little thing it gets magnified one hundred fold. Doesn't matter what it is. As soon as your mind lets that worry go for whatever reason, poof it's gone like it was never there, that's how you know it really was all in your mind.

12-08-2016, 05:17 PM
I'm sorry you are feeling so anxious. I can completely relate on this because I had an MS freakout about 4 weeks ago that has now turned to me thinking about ALS. My neuro has assured me that my symptoms and my physical neuro exam are nothing related to either diseases and most likely reflect a mix of anxiety, carpal tunnel, and a pinched nerve in my hips. I am now going to physical therapy and seeing my therapist as soon as possible to go over my anxiety issues. From what I've read with your symptoms in this post they sound like anxiety can be the root cause. A lot of people with MS are bedridden when they have their flare ups and cannot physically do a lot of the things that they normally do. Definitely go see a doctor to put your mind at easy but also look into some simple relaxation techniques such as deep breathing and distraction by watching funny videos.
Best of luck! Fight the good fight against anxiety!

12-10-2016, 11:15 AM
Thank you so much to everyone replying. It sounds like anxiety to everyone else, so I am having some more blood tests then will go see the neuro I was referred to and then we will see--
I am seeing my therapist regularly and it HELPS-- I also will try hypno therapy Monday, very curious.

12-11-2016, 12:47 PM
hi kkleco,

anxiety can be a tough one... people have all kinds of worries, and when you try to figure it out... it just gets worse... made me think i was going crazy.

i probably ordered half of amazon worth of books to figure it out and nothing worked.

i couldnt sit still long enough for mindfullness and all that stuff.

what i did that helped is changed my relationship with anxiety... instead of fighting and trying to get rid of it... i just started watching it.

after all... i found out that its probably not going to kill me - and clearly you are getting help medically to rule that out...

but i realized... if i just watch it and let it be there... it starts to fade.

hope that helps... i still get anxiety sometimes but its not even 1/10th as bad as it was.