View Full Version : Anyone ever had a relapse in anxiety and panic attacks when you stop a workout plan

12-07-2016, 04:41 PM
To make a long story kind of short I'll get right to the point. I was working out religiously for a year until my shoulder started to hurt nonstop in early September. So I decided to take a break, I was getting married on October 1st of this year and told myself I would start back up when the honeymoon was over. Well I never started back up, I experienced a panic attack (more severe than I ever have before) the Saturday before Halloween. Come Halloween I ended up in the ER for the first time out of my 10 years of GAD and Panic Didorder. Blood pressure was SKY HIGH, chest pain, and couldn't stop shaking. Had 2 ekg's and numerous blood tests done, everything came back normal. Since then I've experienced a few more panic attacks, but nothing as severe as the one that made me decide to go to the hospital. My question is has anyone ever STOPPED working out, and then experience something similar. I've been reading online that working out can ease and reduce anxiety, and panic attacks. Today I started off just very slowly with a workout at home. Hoping someone has experienced something similar or can shed some light into my predicament. Up until this latest episode my life was practically anxiety and panic free for 1+ years.

12-07-2016, 04:44 PM
Also to add to this a bit. My psychiatrist said it could have been due to the newly life of being married and the wedding. I was fairly anxious the day before and the wedding day I was fairly nutty. However my now wife and I have lived together for almost 2 years, and been together for 5 years. Not sure if this played into this relapse or not. But the whole workout thing I'm curious about more than the wedding and being newly married.

12-07-2016, 06:20 PM
YEP I notice this pattern big time. I stopped working out for like almost a month and my anxiety sky rocketed ?!!?

12-07-2016, 06:32 PM
Hm glad I'm not the ONLY person that has experienced this. I'm hoping that slowly getting back into working out will somehow reel me back to where I was before I quit working out. I know only time will tell though for sure.

12-07-2016, 07:40 PM
Well if exercise increases the good type hormones (endorphins?) that help decrease anxiety I could see how suddenly stopping could have a negative effect. Couple that with other stresses going on it could definitely backfire. Even if you are not stressed about being married per se it is a lot of change and upheaval.

I'll take your words for it I haven't stuck to any kind d of workout plan to speak of in a long time lol. I'm trying to start one at the moment. Let us know if it gets better as you start exercising again.

12-07-2016, 07:45 PM
I will keep all posted that have any interest in this bizarre theory I have. I am almost 100% certain that subconsciously I worry about a lot and you are right the whole marriage thing is something new and big.