View Full Version : Hopeless...

12-07-2016, 02:40 PM
HI everyone!

So ive gotten to the point where i cant go to school anymore, bc of a panic attack.

Last friday ive got a panic attack in public and i couldnt move or anything i was just
with the head on the table bc i needed to do a presentation which obviously i couldnt
do. Now im scared of getting another one, people think im weird, i looked stupid, etc...
Ive already skiped the first exam of the last ones before getting grades and there now
coming all of them 1 every day and i cant go so im messing up my grades, what will it
make imposible to carry on and even harder bc of my ADHD so im fucked. I have no future:
bad grades=bad job what i also cant do find a job in my condition and.... i cant do
anything on my own bc of my anxiety, if right now u put my mother away i would die.

All that brings me to the "i want to sleep forever" thing, i dont expect any answer.

Have a nice day/night.

12-08-2016, 03:51 AM
Hey Marc,

I know how debilitating this thing can be :(

I got really good grades at school and even did a university degree, and still ended up on a disability pension because I kept having nervous breakdowns. My nervous system is just hypersensitive and I can't handle stress like other people. Right now I'm having to lie in bed and do deep breathing and drink water to try and help my nervous system because it's gotten way out of whack the last week or so (because of a certain situation in my life which I have some kind of complex PTSD from).

If you treat it along the lines of a physical illness (Claire Weekes refers to it as "nervous illness") it isn't quite as scary and you tend to add less stress hormones by imagining all those "what if?" scenarios. It's still very uncomfortable and easy to add more fear but it really is just your fight or flight mechanism gone haywire. It's like a car with the accelorator stuck and the brakes not working.

Hang in there,
Gypsy x

12-10-2016, 02:47 PM
Their is always hope. The ball is now in your court to do whatever is necessary to help get your life back on track such as
medication, meditation, therapy, etc.

12-11-2016, 12:55 PM
Hi Marc, glad to see you spell your name the right way :0) us marc with a c's gotta stick together.

at any rate... i totally understand how it feels to feel like you cant go outside or school or anywhere with anxiety.

i also understand that the more you fight it the worse it gets.

what made it worse for me was naming it... the minute my therapist named it anxiety - i got WAY worse.

what helps me now is to just be with it... instead of fighting or trying to understand it or trying to get rid of it... i just let it be...

i can go take a test... and i can leave whenever i want...
i can go to school... and i can go sit on the grass if i feel like i want to...

the best thing to do is control what you can... and know that you will be ok... anxiety is like an overcorrection of your feelings and nerves... its a chemical nuro thing... it will pass... it always does.

also remember... no matter how bad you feel inside... 99.9% of the people have no idea what is going on... my anxiety used to get worse because i thought the whole room was looking at me and i looked like a freak out of control. not true... no one noticed.

you will be ok :-) there is ALWAYS hope... even for me after a TOTAL breakdown... there was hope - and i thought there was none.

12-11-2016, 11:00 PM
Thông tin khá bổ *ch, mong mọi người sẽ đóng góp nhiều hơn thông tin dạng như thế n*y để forum thêm phần đa dạng.