View Full Version : Idiopathic postprandial syndrome

12-07-2016, 11:12 AM
''Idiopathic postprandial syndrome - a collection of clinical signs and symptoms similar to medical hypoglycemia(low blood sugar) but without low blood glucose levels.''
Have any of you ever heard of it?
I feel like i have this and its really been ruining my life. I've consulted with doctors and i've been checking my blood sugar for a few months. I've never found it to be low... Except for one time after exercise it was 4.1. So the problem is that i kinda have this idea stuck in my head that my blood sugar might be dropping and i might die... I try to eat regularly, but it doesn't always help. When i'm hungry i often get really anxious and i start to panic. Since the symptoms of low blood sugar and panic attack are almost the same:
Sense of weakness
Increased pulse or respiratory rate

i feel like i never know if i'm having a panic attack or my glucose levels has dropped. And i always eat if i feel like i'm about to have a panic attack. Just to make sure... And food gives me comfort.... One more interesting thing is that not long ago i had gastritis, i've been vomiting and i couldn't really eat. But i didn't get shaky or anything. I feel like its because i haven't felt that FEELING of hunger. Something about that emptiness when you are hungry makes me feel really anxious.
So, one part of me understands that i don't have hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). But something in my mind tells me that maybe i am wrong. Every single day i still think that i can die just from not eating. And all of this has been going for about half a year... Because of this i developed severe anxiety, my panic attacks came back, i gained weight and i started to get more and more depressed. I don't really go out with my friends anymore. I don't go ANYWHERE alone. Because i'm afraid that something will happen or i will faint and there will be no one to help me. And its been like that for 6 months... Every day is a suffering but i really want to live a normal life. It's not me here. I used to love going places. I used to love everything about life.
I honestly don't know if i'm making any sense. Maybe i just need someone to say one more time that i'm healthy. At least psychically. It's like i'm obsessed with this blood sugar thing.. Because it's ALWAYS on my mind. :(

12-07-2016, 12:50 PM
This def sounds like an anxiety issue more than a blood sugar issue, as the tests are not lying. The symptoms you list can all be attributed to anxiety in my experience. The problem is you are constantly thinking about it, you are already primed to have anxiety before the first bite hits your mouth. It becomes a vicious cycle. The problem is how to end the cycle. It is hard to break especially when it comes to something you have to do, like eating...you can't avoid it. I am currently going through such a cycle myself, relating to my car and driving, not as serious as you maybe. However, I use my car several times a day so it is like I am constantly confronting it and being triggered by the act of getting in my car. I usually find confronting my anxieties head on helps defuse them but not working so good in this case. There is some underlying fear that has to be addressed i think. For me, it always comes down to my feelings of worthlessness and inadequacy if anything in my life is not perfect. For you, even if you DID have this disorder, that wouldn't be the end of the world would it - you would deal with this like any other illness wouldn't you? In any case, worrying will not prevent any physical illness from happening anyway. Try writing down your worst fears, then dissect them and tear them apart, show yourself how irrational they really are. If you are still having problems, consider seeing a psychiatrist to deal with this as a mental issue, not a physical one. Remember, after all this time worrying you are still here and you have not died. Anxiety really sucks but it can NOT kill you.