View Full Version : I guess I didn't think it through.....

12-07-2016, 07:43 AM
This past March we listed our old house for sale. We lived there for 21 years, but didn't need that much house anymore. One of the biggest reasons I wanted to move was the noise from a neighbors 4 wheelers, and the increased traffic. It was on 2 acres, not in a subdivision, and pretty private, but not immune to noise. I convinced my wife to move into a much smaller place. We've moved into the smaller place and given away all sorts of belongings, but it's still hard to get everything in here. We've had people look at our old house, but no offers, and the agents keep suggesting lower the price, lower the price, which we have. It was built in 1974 and could use "updating", but is structurally perfect. The thing is..........I really miss it. A stone fireplace, built-in bookcases, big garage, huge deck, tons of storage space. This may sound silly, but it's killing me to see it empty at Christmas. I even set some lights out front on a timer so that it doesn't look so lonely at night. If a family would buy it, I would probably be okay. I know it's an inanimate object, but we really loved that place. If I had to do it all over, I would have found a doctor that could have helped me with my noise issues, and stayed put. Oddly enough, they rarely ride those 4 wheelers any more. If it doesn't sell by Spring.......we may be back.

The Intolerable Kid
12-07-2016, 08:50 AM
We had a similar situation. The catalyst for us leaving our home was the death of my beloved dog in my arms on the floor of the living room. She had been diagnosed with lymphoma, but it was the chemo treatment they gave her that killed her. Since I had approved of the chemo treatment, I had (and still have) a lot of guilt about her death less than a day after they gave her that poison. I simply couldn't live there after that, so we put our house on the market.
Don't lose hope, it takes time to sell a house. We sold ours and moved out to the countryside.

12-07-2016, 09:07 AM
I know the feeling. I had a black lab that died after an operation that the vet convinced me would add years to his life. I was wary but hoped it would work. "Rocky" wasn't in pain, but had a very large fatty tumor. They removed the tumor, but his 10 year old body couldn't handle it. I will always blame myself. Last year was a mess for us......I started with these anxiety issues, my father-in-law passed away unexpectedly, and our beagle had to be put to sleep. In the midst of all this, I decided it was time to move. I still wish I had given it more thought. The noise issues were driving me nuts and I was afraid I was going to hurt myself, or someone else. What I really needed to know was why it bothered me so bad.