View Full Version : Naomi Judd opens up about battle with depression

12-06-2016, 12:49 PM
Today Naomi Judd opened up about her lifelong battle with depression. She has written a book.

12-07-2016, 11:03 AM
She is human just like the rest of us.

12-08-2016, 10:56 AM
Yes, I am always so proud of celebrities who are brave enough to come forward and talk about their battles with depression. First, her daughter Ashley Judd, who is a great actress in my opinion, opened up about her battles with depression. Then Wynona Judd, who has such a fabulous voice and is a great singer, came forward and talked about her struggles with different things. And now, the mother, Naomi Judd, with millions of fans has opened up. This will help a lot of people. They will not feel the stigma as much is my hope.

Naomi says, "You all saw me in front of thousands of fans with glitter in my hair, but what you didn't know was the other side in which I couldn't even get out."