View Full Version : What is going on with my body?????

12-05-2016, 07:51 PM
I had my CT scan in my lower and upper abdomen..... all was.... NORMAL, what a relief.
But I keep having little spasms throughout my body, like my back-- last night my finger was twitching a ton for no reason.
My spine hurts down in the middle, I am wondering if it's sciatica
My question was-- I had like an anxiety attack that lasted 4 days non stop and was sending me to the er, is my body still feeling symptoms
Im tired of this constant worry and weird pains in my body. why does one of the bumps on my spine hurt?
UGH wtf.,

12-06-2016, 06:17 AM
Stress symptoms can last some time. I get random twitches and pains myself and my physician told me to try to
ignore them. I am VERY happy to hear your CT scan was normal!

12-06-2016, 10:31 AM
That's great that your CT came back normal! I've bruised part of my spine before without knowing how I did it, so that's one possible cause of pain. Anxiety can definitely cause twitches, tics, and spasms. 4 days of nonstop anxiety -- that sucks -- but effects can linger for awhile.

If it helps, I was reading a paper by an experienced herbalist yesterday. He said the herb Skullcap is "nourishing to the nervous system" and is great for overly stressed or over stimulated people who have circular thoughts, muscle spasms, nervous tics, or tight muscles due to stress/anxiety. Can be taken as a tincture or capsule. For panic attacks, he recommends pairing skullcap with the herbs blue vervain and ashwaganha. Blue vervain also nourishes the nervous system and relieves spasms, and ashwagandha helps the body handle stress. The 3 work together synergistically to help more than one herb by itself would.

silver lining
12-06-2016, 08:25 PM
kkleco, go see a chiropractor.. I don't know if there's one near you but they are very helpful. They usually take health insurance as well, there's usually a small co-pay. Go right away and get adjusted. It sometimes does wonders. Also, as far as the anxiety, exercise exercise, exercise. It's worked for me heaps. I think its the fact that stress hormones are balanced out during and after strenuous workouts. Just take a walk at first, then work up to a jog the next day. As the days go, get to a point where you can do a 30 minute intense HIIT workout. The reason being, your blood is currently flooded with adrenaline and cortisol. You need to balance it out with physical exercise. Unless you're in too much pain to workout. Just give it a try, you'll thank me later. :)

12-07-2016, 10:39 AM
The mind is really a powerful thing, when anxious it can make any physical symptoms appear. Not to say that your symptoms are not real or that you should ignore them if you really feel you need to be checked out. It is very encouraging that your scan has shown everything is normal though. I have had symptoms that are real enough, but they magically go away when I get distracted and forget about them for a while, then magically reappear the minute i start thinking (and getting anxious) about them. I have experienced the twitching and weird little tics and pulses in various parts of my body like my eyelids and my fingers, but it is always when I am experiencing anxiety. I have also experienced back and neck pain from anxiety and just being so tense. The minute you start thinking about it, you get anxious, then you tense up, then your back hurts and that freaks you out even more so it is a vicious cycle.

When you feel the anxiety starting up and start thinking about it, take some deep breaths and immediately distract yourself somehow. Get up and walk, call someone, start cleaning your house. I think the more you can relax, the more you can see that the symptoms are caused by anxiety. Remember that all the worrying in the world won't make a physical issue go away, no matter how much you want it to.