View Full Version : New here BUT not new to anxiety

12-05-2016, 06:50 PM
Just wanted to say hello to everyone here on this forum. I happened to stumble upon this website actually by just reading about anxiety. I am 27 years old and have had anxiety and panic attacks going on 10 years now. It's crazy to see all these people in one place that experience and share our same not so friendly quirks. I also experience agoraphobia 5-6 years back. Have been on the up and up until the past few months and I've seemed to have a 'relapse'. I would go a year and have maybe 1-2 panic attacks the past 2-3 years, now for whatever reason the panic attacks are coming back in FULL force and a lot more frequently. I know this is something I will more than likely deal with for the rest of my life. Just trying to get my mind back to the right state, and not let them consume me like they once did.

12-05-2016, 09:34 PM
Yes, it is hard to believe there are so many of us out here with anxiety. I was telling someone about this forum and I said, "Well, we're alike in some ways and in other ways we're different. You've got the "health anxiety" people, the "social anxiety" people, people who just worry and are afraid of a variety of things.

12-05-2016, 10:31 PM
Hey and welcome :)

It's absolutely horrible when you have a relapse and if you're like me you feel like the anxiety is ten times worse!

This forum is great though.. Just having somewhere to go where there are so many people who understand is really helpful.

Gypsy x

12-14-2016, 10:24 AM
Hello loveydovey, welcome to the forum! Do you suffer from general anxiety or is there anything in particular that seems to aggravate it for you (besides agoraphobia)?

12-14-2016, 04:23 PM
Good to have you with us, Lovey! I'm glad you stumbled upon this site. Sometimes you get a lot of benefit from something you accidently found. And I hope that's the case for you.


12-14-2016, 06:29 PM
I have actually been agarophobia free for some years now thankfully. Mine is GAD, and when I have panic attacks there is nothing specific I can pinpoint that causes them. Other than they usually start with me feeling a STRONG and FAST heartbeat. Then the rest of the symptoms set in. I was recently prescribed klonopin, due to a panic attack that sent me to the ER (first time I've ever been to the hospital for anything). Also take lexapro 20mg daily.

silver lining
12-14-2016, 08:06 PM
Yes, it is hard to believe there are so many of us out here with anxiety. I was telling someone about this forum and I said, "Well, we're alike in some ways and in other ways we're different. You've got the "health anxiety" people, the "social anxiety" people, people who just worry and are afraid of a variety of things.

Anne1221, I'm curious, which category do I fall under? I had a traumatic event occur with my relationship which sent me into anxiety.. is that more of a health or social deal?

Loveydovey0519, yes just realize that your mind is very powerful even though you may not believe it. My story real quick in a nutshell. I was fine, no problems in an 8 year relationship that went sour very abruptly. This sent me into intermittent dysphagia (trouble swallowing foods and liquids). Also piled onto my stress was dying mother, brother with bad drug addiction, stressful job, etc. This all lead to poor eating, poor sleeping, and basically no spirituality. So find what works for you and actively do it. My plan and it's working pretty well. Eliminate stress if you can through meditation and self hypnosis, Eliminate poor health by eating healthy, getting sleep and exercising. Finally, introduce spirituality into your life by reading books and learning.. you may laugh and others may disagree, but these steps are doing wonders for me. Check it out. Peace.

12-17-2016, 11:02 PM
I primarily deal with GAD myself as well, and I had the same issues with panic attacks. How has the klonopin worked for you and how often do you take it? Benzos can be addicting so be careful not to abuse it.

I personally had better success with diazepam/valium, the half life is incredibly long so it chills me out for days making it only necessary once in a blue moon. It is a huge weight off my shoulders knowing I have a backup plan if things go sideways.

12-19-2016, 06:52 PM
I take one .5mg klonopin a day, can take 2 if need be but I'm doing one for now. It does pretty well, hasn't "cured" me 100%. But after this last setback I can tell a difference. Hoping to get back to my old self and not need them at all!

12-20-2016, 10:27 AM
Just be careful as benzo's can be addicting. I use diazepam roughly 1x/week and find it to be effective but if taken daily it can be very addictive.

12-23-2016, 09:39 AM
Yes I am very familiar with the addictiveness of Benzodiazepines, that is and was one of the biggest worries for my wife. I've never been "addicted" to anything before except smokeless tobacco. Which I still use daily and would like to stop just don't see that happening in the near future. That's always why I opted to take 1 daily instead of 2 daily. I've always been nervous to try any pills for the most part, so if klonopin stops helping and or I become addicted I doubt I will take any other medicine besides my lexapro.