View Full Version : I don't know if I should leave my wife or not.

10-29-2008, 05:43 AM
I've been having horrible anxiety for the last 3 months. At first I thought my wife was going to be perfect to help me since she had anxiety badly when she was younger. Then I slowly started to realize that she wasn't helping, in fact she was making things much worse. Now that I've started to think about it, I think she was the reason I started to have these anxiety problems to begin with.

When she gets home from work she complains about any little detail being off about the house. I could have cleaned the whole house top to bottom, but if I forgot to throw out a pizza box in the fridge she'll take it, slam it on the ground, and complain about how I don't do anything. Keep in mind I'm working right now too, and I'm trying to figure out this anxiety which is not exactly easy.

When I'm starting to notice that I'm getting close to an all-out panic attack I ask her to come sit close and just talk to me. Every single time she says, 'I don't want to' and 'You need to stop acting like a kid and do it yourself.' Not to mention she keeps saying 'its all in your head, you want to feel like this.'

When I feel good and want to go out, she'll say she can't she has too much to do. Then a few minutes later her friend will call up and she'll be out the door without even saying so much as 'bye' to me. Or if a friend doesn't call she'll just sit all night, refuse to talk, or immediately go to bed.

I understand that she is probably stressed from the situation, but at the same time she's not DOING anything to help. I think it's a little absurd to say she's exhausted from not doing anything.

Basically I don't think she's the main underlying thing of my stress, but she is definetely a very large part of it now. Is this the point to pack up my things and leave, or ask her to leave? I am just at a loss on what to do here, all I want is to move forward and stop being a slave to this anxiety. Based on her past recent behaviors I have no problem doing something as extreme as separating ourselves. It's not like she's providing me a positive reassurance with my anxiety, in fact I notice I have more panic attacks when she's around.

Any input would be appreciated.

10-31-2008, 06:35 AM
Are you sure that your wife did suffer from anxiety when she was younger?
The only reason that i am asking is because i would have assumed that she would have been a bit more understanding if she had been having the anxiety at some time.
It come,s across as something is nigling her.
I get really fed up with my husband at times and very picky with him.
I blame him for the way i am ,but that is becaise july this year we had 2 mnths of solid argueing (long story).
He does try and understand and help me as well,but i find it frustrating because i feel that i cannot do the things i used to do like house-work,shopping taking the kids out,taking the dogs for a walk,you know thing,s that people take for granted.
In my opinion i think you should speak to your wife and get a lot of things of your chest.
Good Luck.

10-31-2008, 08:22 AM
Anxiety aside, it sounds like y'all have other issues. Y'all would benefit from sitting down and talking about it. How long have you been married?

11-10-2008, 01:26 PM

when the water boils, you dont throw it out... you lower the fire.

The most common relationship issue i hear is, 'our dating life was so exciting but now that we're married, we hate each other. What changed?!?!"

There is ONE obvious thing that changed...



While dating.. you gave each other space... after marraige, you took away your most generous gift. SPACE. Give it back to her... WITHOUT TOSSING OUT THE WATER.

11-11-2008, 10:25 PM
She sounds like a control freak.
Maybe she might be embarrest by the fact you have anxiety in public.
What i would do, i would sit down with her and dissuss about your future,because im sorry to say sir doesnt look so bright..
Its true when she stated ''It's all in your mind'' But she isn't showing much sypathy.. Good luck dude. try marriage councler..

11-12-2008, 12:37 AM
I hope I don't come across as harsh but the reality is your anxiety isn't her problem to fix so whilst you might be looking for help, she doesn't necessarily have to agree that she should be giving you help or even understand that you need support from her.

Have you two properly talked about ways of making things better again?