View Full Version : need suggestions to cope in the AM

12-05-2016, 08:12 AM
I really believe this anxiety is gonna kill me. Its worse in the AM from the moment I wake up until early afternoon. I feel like I just cant take it anymore but I don't have a choice. I am on 4 different meds, I see a psychiatrist and have seen a therapist and even spent 6 weeks in an outpatient program for anxiety/OCD. Does anyone else experience extreme anxiety in the AM's? Does anyone have any ideas on how to help. I feel too anxious to even attempt meditation. This has been going on for over a year since I was diagnosed with cancer and went through recovery. I guess I have an underlying feeling that the cancer is gonna come back. The anxiety is so very debilitating.

12-05-2016, 10:21 AM
I really believe this anxiety is gonna kill me.

I guess I have an underlying feeling that the cancer is gonna come back.

Hey Janie,

It sounds like you have some pretty scary beliefs about your condition and your life. Those beliefs would make anybody feel like garbage!

Are these things you've talked to your therapist about? I know it can take a while to resolve internal conflicts, so if you are dealing with these things, that's great. Hopefully you'll feel more peaceful soon.

Regarding meditation, it can be a hard to face your anxiety head on when it's so intense. But there are other relaxation therapies you can try. There's mindful walking (which is simply walking while paying attention to your feet as they hit the ground), and there's progressive muscle relaxation (whereby you tense and release your muscles).

Also, how long ago did you start taking meds? If you're new to them, they can take a while to kick in.

All the best :)

12-05-2016, 12:45 PM
Hi Janie,

I'm sorry to hear about your struggles. I can certainly understand how you are afraid because if the cancer. I too used to struggle nearly every morning with high levels of anxiety. Usually the highest of my day. One thing I have learned is that our bodies naturally produce increased levels of cortisol in the morning. It gives us the energy we need to wake up and get our days started. However, those with an anxiety disorder already have higher than normal levels of cortisol in their bloodstreams due to behaving apprehensively for so long. Whenever you add our already high levels of cortisol along with the boost your body gives in the morning, it can be especially difficult for those with anxiety disorder.

I want you to know though there is plenty you can do to recover from anxiety disorder. For example, I have had excruciatingly debilitating anxiety disorder for over four years to the point to where I didn't want to live anymore. Everyday was a constant second to second struggle. My brain fog, fatigue, depersonalization, and other symptoms were so out of control, I could barely function and nearly lost my marriage, job, and relationships. However, I can say I'm doing better now than I ever have.

During my usual website searching trying to discover a way out and my "mysterious undiagnosed illness via Dr. Google", I discovered anxietycentre (dot com). This site has literally saved my life. They have hundreds of pages of information in anxiety disorder that helped me to truly understand my condition and what I needed to do to overcome it. Thy also, if you so choose, have therapists that specialize in treatment of anxiety disorder. Every single one of them has had an anxiety disorder in the past and have successfully overcome it. They understand it. If you so choose, you can arrange an appointment with one of their therapists via the phone or Skype. I have seen four different psychologists in my past four years of struggle with anxiety. None of them helped at all. Looking back, they were trained to treat a myriad of psychological ailments, however i do it think they truly and completely understood anxiety. My current therapist is helping a million times more than any of the others.

I am not completely recovered yet. No, I have a long way to go still. But my symptoms after all these years are starting to go away. Mornings are rarely ever a struggle anymore. I'm starting to smile again and can feel my old self returning. My wife, friends, and consorkers can all tell a big difference. The.m brain fog, fatigue, and depersonalization are starting to go away.

I urge you - please look into getting a membership at anxietycentre (dot com). It's only $9 a month for the members portion of the site and fully refundable if you aren't satisfied. The founder experienced anxiety disorder for 12 years and overcame it and has been living with normal health and medication free for over 25 years.

Please know that I am in no way affiliated with this site (I have been asked this before). No - I just want you and others to know there's a place that can truly help you, as i completely understand living with anxiety disorder and the hopelessness and despair I was in before discovering this site and how much I would've loved it if someone would've told me about it. I'm trying to get the word out about this site on this forum because I never see anyone talk about it on here.

There are hundreds of testimonials from people just like us that have overcome anxiety disorder on this site. Google "anxietycentre testimonials" and see for yourself. Give it a try. You have nothing to lose but a whole lot to gain.


12-05-2016, 03:29 PM
I can't believe with 4 different meds that you are still that anxious in the mornings. What do you take? I head straight for some coffee which for me relieves my anxiety for some reason.

12-05-2016, 03:40 PM
The fear of getting cancer again after having it once can be very scary and debilitating. A friend of mine has had colon cancer twice and now has a bag and his
wife has had breast cancer twice and both are still alive and doing well. They both appear like nothing has ever happened to them and it is truly amazing to me.

12-05-2016, 08:17 PM
Hi Janie,

I get mad anxiety in the morning (or when I wake up, which is sometimes the afternoon lol). Cancer has a much better chance of killing you than anxiety. I know a guy who has had both and he said in a way he preferred the cancer because at least it had an end goal! Anxiety is just a trickster which makes you think it can kill you but all it is is stress hormones (adrenaline and cortisol) combined with your imagination.

Which 4 meds are you on?

Gypsy x

12-05-2016, 10:25 PM
I always thought taking more than 1 SSRI at a time wasn't a good idea. But anyways, a doctor knows best.

For morning anxiety...

Well first I try to get a good night's rest. I take OTC melatonin. I take 3mg before bed and it knocks me right out. I used to take 10mg timed release but I found I couldn't wake up without feeling groggy the next morning.

No caffeine, No alcohol, no sugar the night before, probably goes without saying.

When you wake up, drink a cold glass of water. Take a cold shower. Most people take a hot shower. But a cold shower will help lower the stress levels. Eat breakfast. Take any supplements and medications you need to take. Then go outside for a quick 10 minute brisk walk in the sun.

Try that to help lower some anxiety levels.

12-06-2016, 02:10 AM
How early are we talking ?
If it's just after midnight, try listening to bedtime podcasts to get your mind off things. Podcasts help during any time of the day, actually. Pick something that you'll enjoy listening to.

12-07-2016, 10:16 AM
I also get my worst anxiety in the mornings, it is a horrible way to start the day. Even if I had a good night's sleep, I will wake up with a shot, heart pounding, and all my worries from the previous day just flood my brain all at once. I find the best thing for me is to have a snack before bed (a light snack like crackers and peanut butter), and to get out of bed IMMEDIATELY after waking up. Actually for me it means I not only get out of bed I get out of the bedroom completely asap. The longer I linger in the darkened bedroom the worse it gets. If the weather is nice I'll bring my dog out first thing if I can.

I am glad to hear you are getting some professional help but seems you are still suffering, the fear of the cancer is constantly triggering you. It seems you need to find some way to come to terms with that fear somehow. Do you attend a support group for survivors, other people who are in your shoes? The prospect of cancer returning is a real fear but at the same time your constant anxiety over it does not prevent the fear, and it certainly won't prevent the cancer from coming back. That is the irrationality of anxiety, constant fear and worry about something you simply CANNOT control. Focus on the things you can, making yourself healthy and happy, eating a great diet with lots of fruits and veggies and whole foods to keep your body in peak condition (some believe it can prevent cancer, can't hurt). I think if you can focus on the present, and accept the idea that the cancer MAY come back, you can move past the anxiety. Remind yourself every day if you need, that yes the cancer may return, but it may not, and all the worrying in the world won't prevent it.

07-12-2017, 11:13 AM
My heart goes out to you. I hope you are having a good day today.
I also wake up in the morning feeling jittery and anxious and am searching for
what I might do for some relief.
I am working on quitting caffeine, and paying attention to blood sugar., drinking more water.
no relief yet. I know my thoughts and fears affect this, wish they werent so hard to change.
sending a gently hug your way~