View Full Version : Terrible night because of??

12-04-2016, 02:36 PM
Last night it was terrible but let me start from the beggining:

Well last night i got a headache so i told myself to go to bed because it wasnt getting better.
I went to bed and it got worse, so i tried to sleep, which i did after a long time and there it beggan.
I wake up so many times becuase something disturbed me.
When i woke up the first time i still had a headache (it was more a presure) and normally
after a nap im like new when im sick or something but i wasnt.
I went to sleep again and woke up so many time from a pain that i dont remember and
also light-headed, and it occured so many in short period and when i finally gave up sleeping,
i got anxious on what was happening and i got tired after a while and slept until morning so.
There was also a storm outside with rain and thunders for hours and i only woke up one time
bc of the thunder, just as always when it beggins.

What was that or could it be? Did this happen to anyone?

Thx for reading :D

12-04-2016, 10:34 PM
Did you feel jittery, or jumpy, when the storm struck ? I would focus on where you are feel the pain and just keep your mind on there until the sensation feels better (it will be worse before it gets better.
Nighttime podcasts are also helpful to get your mind off things

12-05-2016, 01:28 AM
Thông tin khá bổ *ch, mong mọi người sẽ đóng góp nhiều hơn thông tin dạng như thế n*y để forum thêm phần đa dạng.

12-05-2016, 03:11 AM
I can barely remember it, as always...

12-05-2016, 05:53 AM
Maybe stress or sinus issues. Sometimes when I wake up from a nap, I feel much worse.