View Full Version : I think i need help

10-28-2008, 09:32 PM
I can't really talk about this to anyone I know, I have tried but i feel like they think there is nothing wrong. Im always been on the nervous side, but this month I have been experimented some episode I can't describe. I work in sales and got some clients issues , when this happens i become really nervous, my heart beat really hard and i have a hard time to breath and my face become really red and i feel like i just want to die. It happens twice today, yesterday night i went to a work party and drink a bit too much and when i woke up i didnt remember all what i said and i became really really nervous and start to freak. Tonight i got a voicemail saying i had customer issues and i got even more panicked. I witness a car accident today and got 1 feet away from being hit.

What's wrong with me, did you guy experimented something like this, what should i do ?