View Full Version : Anxiety and Depression after having baby

12-02-2016, 03:49 PM
I had my baby 3 months ago and right when I got out of the hospital started having upper & lower back pain, burning sensation on skin, pins and needles, electric-shock sensations, and little twitches all over body.

I have been to 2 neurologists, aside from the normal MRI and nerve conduction tests, a spinal tap showed inflammation and the neurologist said it could be from the epidural.

Although the burning sensation is nearly gone and the twitching has slowed down a lot, I still get the other symptoms with no sign of them improving.

I am so depressed from thinking I will be dealing with these symptoms forever. I am only 27 years old and did not expect this to happen. I regret every single day about getting the epidural, although I ended up having a c section anyway and needed it. I wanted to be able to look back on the birth of my son and see it as a joyful time, not one filled with pain, depression and anxiety.

Any words on how to get through this would be well appreciated. Thank you.

12-02-2016, 08:47 PM
Hi and welcome :)

I had an epidural as well (but "natural" birth, amazingly). I didn't have any complications from it thankfully. You poor thing having to go through a spinal tap after all that.. My mum had one last year and it was horrible.

I think it's a good sign that the burning and twitching have subsided and hopefully the other symptoms will as well. I'm guessing your nervous system is quite "sensitised" because having a newborn is very stressful in itself, so that would contribute to the symptoms. Are you able to talk to someone (professional) about the depression and anxiety?

All the best,
Gypsy x

12-03-2016, 08:44 AM
Hi and welcome :)

I had an epidural as well (but "natural" birth, amazingly). I didn't have any complications from it thankfully. You poor thing having to go through a spinal tap after all that.. My mum had one last year and it was horrible.

I think it's a good sign that the burning and twitching have subsided and hopefully the other symptoms will as well. I'm guessing your nervous system is quite "sensitised" because having a newborn is very stressful in itself, so that would contribute to the symptoms. Are you able to talk to someone (professional) about the depression and anxiety?

All the best,
Gypsy x

I have been seeing a psychiatrist because of all this. I am hoping to get passed this ASAP because I want to be able to enjoy my baby, but every time I feel a symptom I get full of anxiety and get very upset.

12-03-2016, 11:17 AM
Have you checked your estrogen and progesterone levels? These hormones can get dramatically out of whack after pregnancy in some women and are some of the biggest causes of postpartum depression

12-03-2016, 01:34 PM
Have you checked your estrogen and progesterone levels? These hormones can get dramatically out of whack after pregnancy in some women and are some of the biggest causes of postpartum depression

I've had every test under the sun done. All that came back abnormal was the spinal tap showing inflammation in my spine. I was feeling completely fine until all these symptoms happened. Many people think I have become depressed and then started feeling these somatic symptoms, but it is actually the other way around and I am depressed because of feeling all these crazy sensations.

12-03-2016, 06:14 PM
I have been seeing a psychiatrist because of all this. I am hoping to get passed this ASAP because I want to be able to enjoy my baby, but every time I feel a symptom I get full of anxiety and get very upset.

That's good. You will get through it and enjoy your baby. Even though your anxiety is being caused by the physical symptoms from the epidural, there are many many women who suffer postnatal depression, so you certainly aren't alone in feeling upset.

12-03-2016, 07:14 PM
That's good. You will get through it and enjoy your baby. Even though your anxiety is being caused by the physical symptoms from the epidural, there are many many women who suffer postnatal depression, so you certainly aren't alone in feeling upset.

Thank you for your kind words it means a lot.

12-03-2016, 07:41 PM
You're welcome :)