View Full Version : is there any other way?????

10-28-2008, 08:37 PM
Hey guys and gals....
im kinda new round here...so ummm i of corse have anxiety and panic..the dr also told me i have a mood swing/onset bipolor diorder..though no one else seems to think so. I have been on every drug it seems like since 7th grade...when they said i had depression....well then it turned into anxiety and panic....! Im 19 now and all my life even before 7th grade i have been having panic attacks which have gotten worse over the years. My meds helped me a bit then stoped or i would have horrid side effects....and still do!

Im being weaned off my lamictal...but still taking xannax when i have really bad panic attacks! i want a more natural way of handling my anxiety and depression. Im tired of meds and there side effects....which i always seem to get!

so if anyone knows of a natural way to go about helping my anxiety..then please share!! im kinda desperate!!!! i head of some stuff out there but im not sure what to try and what i shouldnt! SO PLEASE! IM SICK AND TIRED OF BEING SICK AND TIRED!!!!
