View Full Version : fixation on trivial worries

12-02-2016, 07:32 AM
I am still having this fixation on my new car, and compulsively adjusting the seat and steering wheel arrangements over and over again. It was giving me panic attacks a couple weeks ago when my anxiety was in high gear, but the last two weeks have been better. I was stopping myself from touching it all. In fact, the last few days were really good days, hardly any anxiety. I have been eating much better and getting some exercise, bringing my dog to the park, sleeping pretty well. Last night I went have dinner with my grandmother and when I got back home I found myself compulsively adjusting the seat again. Then of course when I wake up this morning my anxiety is heightened. Not so bad, but when I get in my car to go to work I was doing it again and now my anxiety is definitely going up again. It is ridiculous!

This is not the first time I have become fixated on some trivial thing, it has become a pattern for me in the last few years. The last bad anxiety episode I had about a year ago was centered on my tv. I had an old box type tv that finally died, so I got a new tv, a 40" hdtv. Like my car, it was just a change for me and I freaked out, thought it was too big, too bright, was giving me eye strain and headaches, the picture wasn't right. I actually avoided my living room for a whole week, as in I didn't even sit in there once, to avoid having to think about. Finally I said enough is enough, and of course now it is fine, I love my tv in fact. Ditto about any other changes or new things in my life.

My point is it is not really about the tv or the car seat. It is about the anxiety of course but there is really a deep seated fear of change that I have, fear of doing the wrong thing, or making the wrong decision. It's like if my tv isn't right, or my car isn't right, or if something in my house breaks and I can't deal with it, I take it as a reflection of just how worthless and stupid I feel. Like something not being perfect is a personal failure. I haven't really figured out how to get past that. The only reason i've gotten past these things before is because after a couple months of being fixated on something it's like my mind just all of a sudden becomes desensitized to the thing I'm worrying about and I just stop thinking about it. Until a new change comes along of course.

12-03-2016, 11:29 AM
Sounds like you get some pretty bad OCD to me. I struggle with OCD in the sense where I get thoughts that won't stop playing in my head and I obsess over them, but I have never experienced OCD like that. What really helps for me in my situation is to confront the situation. Set your steering wheel once and promise yourself you won't touch it.

Hopefully you get used to the position it is in and it feels weird if you try and change it a week down the road.

12-03-2016, 12:21 PM
It can seem like ocd at times but I can also forget about it for stretches. But just lately that one thing has become the fixation when my anxiety ramps up. When my anxiety is lower I don't really think about it that much.

I just need to stop messing with it at all to allow myself to become accustomed to it and stop thinking about it. I am not really avoiding it because I use my car several times a day, but I can feel my anxiety rise before I even step foot in the car. My mind is anticipating it and then of course I'm thinking of it and then my plans go out of the window.

12-07-2016, 11:04 AM
Definitely sounds like OCD. Maybe therapy can help.

12-07-2016, 01:02 PM
I am still struggling a bit with this, whether or not it is OCD or anxiety, but I haven't really touched it much (except for a couple times ugh). It is not giving me the full on panic attacks, and I don't think of it barely, except when I am going to get in my car I notice the anxiety start to increase. So of course I'm just primed and ready to think about it the minute I open the car door. The thing about this is all my normal coping methods aren't helping. I've dealt with anxiety for 20 years now so it's not like this is anything new. I don't know if it is the holiday season or just biology but I don't normally have the same worry for so long. I have GAD so it is more like an up/down revolving door of trivial worries that come and go and replace each other. The thing is after I first bought my car, for the first two weeks I never once thought about the seat or anything. It was that first adjustment that just triggered it, I can't even think why. It is just being too aware of it I think. Hopefully it will pass soon or i will have to go back to therapy.