View Full Version : My Odd Phobia

10-28-2008, 07:09 PM
Hi I'm new here so I thought I'd explain what my anxiety is like and see if anyone has experienced anything similar. My anxiety started a long time ago and wasn't originally related to what is now.

A few years ago after ejaculating I had a sudden urge to pee with an intense burning sensation . Having panic disorder of course I paniced big time. After that day I made all these rules to follow to ensure it never happened again. I have to always stay hydrated because dark or cloudy urine will make me panic because I think that means the burning sensation will happen again. I never use the restroom in public just at home. And I only ejaculate when I wake up now so that I'll be dry enough to not have to pee within an hour of ejaculating. Because I think if I pee within an hour of doing that the pain will return. I also have to ejaculate no less than every 3 days because if I go too long it may happen on it's on when I'm not prepared and I'll have to pee within an hour.

But as long as I followed those rules I felt fine more or less, just an occasional panic attack. But a couple of months ago it happened again, and now I've become much more anxious much more obsessed with all those rules. Half the time when I pee I have a panic attack now. I also feel burning in my feet when I'm anxious which reminds me of the burning sensation that caused this. My panic is always accompanied by the burning feet. I was trying to take paxil but of course I discovered the urinogenital side effects and as you can imagine that didn't work well with my situation. So the only drug I can take now is Xanax.

Anyone else experience anything like this? any suggestions on what to do?