View Full Version : What Are Simple Ways You Can Stop An Anxiety Attack Immediately?

11-29-2016, 02:17 PM
Hi! 1st post and so...how do you stop when you're having an attack or you're right on the verge and feeling all of those swirling emotions? And you can't just focus and breathe since other people are around...any tips?

11-29-2016, 02:54 PM
Ignore the other people and do whatever you need to alleviate the anxiety. I know, easier said than done. Distractions are helpful. I make lists in my head -- like picking a letter of the alphabet and thinking of words that start with the letter. Or I make up mental stories about the people around me. My psychologist told me to do math in my head, but I've never been a fan of math. It's probably not the best advice, but pain is a great distraction. So, I've been known to pinch myself or dig my fingernails into my palms. Breathing helps me the most, though, since I tend to forget to breathe when anxious. And fortunately, I can breathe with others around.

11-30-2016, 10:55 AM
I am not a medic, so this is from my own personal experience. During an anxiety attack your body feels as if it is under threat. Your body reacts physically - sending out chemicals, shutting down your digestive system so you can use energy to fight the 'danger'. However, this is a perceived danger, so there is no where for the adrenalin to be used. I have felt as if I was going to pass out from an attack. I understand how scary it is. Your mind is powerful and you can take back control. As a quick 'remedy' I think breathing is key. By taking deep breaths you are letting your body know you have time to relax and that there is no danger. I do square breathing: breath in deep for 4 seconds, hold for 4, breath out for 4, normal for 4. You can also reassure yourself mentally: "This is a panic attack, I am fine, I've had this before, I will breath and let it pass...I am ok. There is nothing to fear. Relax. Breath..." As a Christian, I also pray: God cares about each of us and things that seem too big for us he can hold. I can do all the above with others around, without anyone knowing. Longer term...there are lots of approaches: understanding what causes your anxiety, medical checks (some hormone imbalances can cause anxiety), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, diet, exercise, spiritual care, mindfulness, relaxation to name a few. You can practice the breathing at home so you're ready to use it if an attack happens in public (train yourself how to deal with it). I have suffered intensely at different points, but I am feeling great at the moment - which is why I want to encourage you that you can find ways to make the situation better and you can feel better. All the best.

11-30-2016, 06:21 PM
I agree with Jani about a self talk where you continue to tell yourself its just anxiety and it will pass.
If you can, try to do some running for 15-20 minutes, the relase of SRI is similar to taking a medication, thus prevents anxiety.

11-30-2016, 06:23 PM
What I did was: Every time I felt a panic attack coming on, I found the nearest cold water tap and I doused my head under freezing cold water.