View Full Version : i dont have anyone to really talk to about this

11-29-2016, 01:15 PM
I've had anxiety my whole life but ive never wanted to continue therapy because ive never had it help, mostly all the therapists have told me is that im not alone and that lots of people have anxiety, which I know. Lately though I've needed someone to talk too. I can't talk to my mom because I hate worrying her, and I feel like I'm annoying my friends by always talking about it, because every time they tell me I just have to work hard at getting over it. I'm 19 and I've never kept a job longer than an hour due to my anxiety and I'm still trying to finish high school because I miss a lot of school by staying home away from people. My anxiety is ruining my ability to grow up like everyone else and have a boyfriend and feel normal. All I want is to be able to not have to be glued to my phone when I'm out in public, be able to eat around guys and in restaurants, not be terrified of being around people, have a job, etc. I just don't know what to do anymore and I need advice from people who know what i'm going through. I'm not suicidal, I really love the idea of life, I just don't know how to stop living like this.

11-29-2016, 01:57 PM
Hi, and welcome to the forum. Anxiety sucks -- it's currently keeping me home every day, but I'm taking steps to overcome it. When it comes to therapists, there are lots of mediocre ones, a few bad ones, and a few great ones. I would keep trying until I found one of the good ones. I'm fortunate that I found a great psychologist on the 2nd try, and he was a big help. Some of the homework he gave was copied from various anxiety self-help workbooks, so try some of those if you haven't already. I didn't keep track of which ones he used, but I know some are mentioned in other parts of this forum.

The physical and mental are so closely tied together, so healthier lifestyle changes are beneficial to many of us with anxiety. You'll find more advice about that throughout the forum, but the basics are healthier eating (less sugar, caffeine, and overly processed foods), physical activity, relaxation and enough sleep, etc.

And we're here to listen if you need to talk more.

11-30-2016, 02:42 PM
Hi Snowbaby,

We are here! tell us your story. I am sure a lot of people here will try to help you. Just remember: Daily exercise is vital...brisk walking for one hour is perfect. It is true that talking helps a lot too. Talking to my wife and friends really helped me.
Relax, meditate, start yoga all this will help you to reduce your anxiety.

11-30-2016, 11:03 PM
Good to see you here, Snowbaby! Folks in this forum are understanding and loving, indeed, it's a great place to pour your heart out and gain others' feedback. Anxiety is certainly a complex issue, and I’m sorry you are dealing with this right now. Would you be interested to talk to a counselor on phone with no charge? He or she might be able to suggest you how to best handle your situation. I'm praying that you get better soon! Btw, you sound like a very loving and caring person.

12-01-2016, 02:39 PM
I would highly recommend getting a membership at anxietycentre(dot com). (((This site won't let me post websites yet until I post a certain amt of times))). It is only $9 a month and fully refundable if you aren't satisfied. Best decision I've ever made regarding my anxiety, and this is coming from someone who has struggled nearly every second of his life for four years. This is coming from someone who nearly lost his marriage because the anxiety impacted me so severely I couldn't talk hardly ever with my wife. This is coming from someone who became so afraid of people, I began to be terrified of even talking to my parents, wife, and best friends of over 20 years. Anxietycentre truly understand anxiety because everyone of the counselors and the founder have all experienced anxiety disorders and have all overcome them. They have helped me immensely. I'm doing better now with my anxiety than I ever have. It's been a process, but so worth it. Please do yourself a favor and check it out. I know how horrible anxiety can be. Just a couple months ago, I wanted to end my life because I was so tired of the second by second pain every day, the brain fog, extreme debilitating fatigue, struggle in social situations and my job/etc. I went to four different psychologists over the years and didn't get a whole lot of relief either. I'm telling you- this place can help you. And I'm not saying I'm fully recovered, but I'm finally starting to see the light and an improvement in my symptoms like I never have before. They have helped so many people. If you don't believe me, google "anxietycentre testimonials" and see for yourself.

Hang in there Snowbaby. I know how hard anxiety is, and people who haven't experienced it as a disorder usually mean well, but don't understand how horrible it can truly be. I was the same way before i developed the disorder. You can get better. If you have any other questions, I'd be happy to tell you anything else I know :-)