View Full Version : Anxiety affecting my relationship

10-28-2008, 04:44 PM
The past three weeks or so, my anxiety levels have been extremely high. I've been crying multiple times a day from stress and a feeling of being unloved/unlovable. I feel tense and sick to my stomach most of the day, mingled with tightness in my chest. I have a horrible tendency to overanalyze everything, but especially my relationship with my boyfriend of over two years.

We've been in a long-distance relationship ever since we've been together (I go to school in a town two and half hours away) so our main interaction is over the phone. We see each other every other weekend and then during the summers. My anxiety/depression has been making me very down during our phone conversations. I cry at the drop of a hat and can't help but constantly express how much I miss him and wish I was home. I feel like I'm driving him away and that soon he'll get sick of talking to someone who's such a downer and leave me.

This makes me ever more stressed out and anxious. I'm crying as I'm typing this. My life feels like such a vicious cycle, one that I'm scared I'll never break free from. :( Help.

10-28-2008, 09:38 PM
I have through this few years ago and i dont need to explain to you what happens. I was devastated for a while and then i moved on.

have you seen a doctor about this, the depression ?