View Full Version : Hypochondria about appendicitis?

11-28-2016, 10:35 AM
So on Saturday I had this minor pain on my lower right abdomen and my hypochondriac mind thought it was appendicitis and my parents had to calm me down. Then yesterday I woke up with no pain at all and everything was great.

Then around the evening my mom asked me about my pains and asked me if I wanted to go to the doctor and I got anxious because I noticed she was doubtful so we ended up going cause I just wanted to get it checked out.

Went to the E.R cause it was late at night and the doctor told us it could be anything and sent us to a pediatrician because I'm almost 14.
Went there and the pediatrician asked me for my symptoms and I had no nausea, no fever, no urinal pains, no bowel problems and my pain on the lower rught abdomen was very low, I felt like I was almost making up my pain. So he pushed and felt around my stomach and he said it was all soft and that it wasn't anything serious and that I didn't need surgery.

He also said if I noticed my pain getting worse to go to my local doctor to get some urinal tests and such.

Now today I'm still anxious despite getting diagnosed...I have only one symptom and it's very minor.
I keep thinking my appendix will burst any second and that I was misdiagnosed and that I will die because it's a life threatening situation.

What do you think?

11-28-2016, 06:30 PM
Hi there :)

If your appendix is about to burst you'll know about it, trust me. I've had acute Pancreatitis twice and the pain is how I'd imagine being stabbed in random places on your upper body with knives. Appendicitis is different, obviously, but when things go wrong in there you tend to know!

Gypsy x

11-28-2016, 08:04 PM
it may have just been gas, which can be pretty painful.