View Full Version : I feel dizzy, foggy and lightheaded 24/7

11-27-2016, 03:33 AM
Hello everyone! My name is David and I am 25 years old. I am very new to this forum!

About a month ago, I had my first panic attack straight after consuming a large amount of Aloe Vera juice & yogurt. I thought I was having a heart attack or something as I didn't know anything about panic attacks and anxiety.

I had several doctors visit and my blood/urine tests came back normal. My doctor doesn't know what's wrong with me. He thinks I am just stressing out.

I think I am getting better now (although I had random panic attacks a few weeks ago) but I presently have constant dizziness. It's hard to explain but my head just feels very foggy and I feel dizzy every day all day 24/7. Is this normal? Even when I don't feel super anxious?

Also, I've been having major chest tightness around the heart area. I get really anxious because it makes my heart racing and pounding. This tightness is driving me crazy :( Now I am hearing this high pitched noise in my ear all day...it's really annoying....

Is this all part of anxiety?

11-27-2016, 11:44 AM
Welcome to the forum grahic. To me it sounds like you had a panic attack and now have anxiety about having that again? You say you don't have anxiety but you say you get major chest tightness and heart pounding which is definitely anxiety.

In my non medical opinion and from personal experience I would definitely say the dizziness and fogginess are related to anxiety. Have you been feeling more fatigued in this period?

Anxiety can take a big toll on your body, and if you haven't experienced it before the negative effects like headaches and stuff can stand out quite dramatically.

IF you have been constantly stressing about it this last month your adrenal glands may also be hurting which can largely contribute to brain fog, dizziness, and headaches. Try some relaxation exercises or guided meditations to help calm you down and get as much rest as you can and I bet your brainfog will clear up if you didnt experience it before these episodes.

silver lining
11-27-2016, 12:43 PM
good point fixmybrokenmind, also taking in Vitamins through healthy foods is very important, especially your B vitamins (found naturally in nutritional yeast). I eat a lot of veggies, fruit, nuts, grass fed meats, wild caught fish, probiotic rich foods, etc. Stay away from caffine and sugar as much as possible.

11-27-2016, 05:44 PM
Hi there, thank you so much for your reply.

I have anxiety and depression but my anxiety symptoms had gotten better than before (like I used to get random panic attacks).

But still now, sometimes I have a horrible tightness in my chest, heart racing and I get easily startled and jumpy for some reason....

But constant 24/7 dizziness/fogginess is driving me crazy and it seems to last no matter how much sleep you get or water you drink.

My doctor did prescribe an anti anxiety med ( sulpiride 50mg, once a day) but I refused to take it as I was very scared of nasty side effects.

Yeah Silver Lining, I been eating a lot of veggies, fruits, nuts (blueberries and walnuts) and 3 strong cups of chamomile tea every day. I don't drink coffee or alcohol.

11-27-2016, 06:52 PM
Hi grahic:

The first thing to understand about panic disorder is that it usually gets better within 1-3 months. Hang in there.

The second thing to understand is that you do NOT need to feel anxious to have anxiety symptoms! It is a common misconception. Perhaps the most common myth about anxiety.

Your subsconscious is affecting your breathing rate. Your breathing is what is causing the lightheadedness.

I recommend forget the chamomile and go for Passionflower tea. Chamomile isn't really that powerful.

11-27-2016, 07:05 PM
Hi Teafrenzy! Thank you very much for your reply.

Ohhh I see! I am very happy to hear that :) It has been just over a month now and I hope I can feel better soon. Yeah I will try to work on my breathing techniques. I found some useful tutorials on youtube. Passionflower tea aye? Okay, I will buy one today! Thank you so much!

11-27-2016, 08:13 PM
By the way, does anyone else hear high pitched noises in their heads 24/7?

11-27-2016, 09:03 PM
The high pitched noises are very common with panic disorder. Usually they happen after a panic attack as opposed to during one.

11-28-2016, 12:19 PM
Are we allowed to recommend medication on this board? I have something I used to use on an as needed basis for panic attacks and just knowing it was there when I needed it helped me dramatically. It worked directly on the tightness in the chest feeling. I hope I don't get in trouble for recommending it (you need a prescription) but it is called propranolol. It is a beta blocker and controls the rythym of the heart rate making the tightness and rapid heart go away.

11-29-2016, 09:20 PM
Sorry for my late reply. Thanks for that, I will ask my doctor about the medicine (propranolol).Yeah the tightness in the chest feeling is really annoying and it makes me more anxious. It usually happens during the afternoon.

11-29-2016, 09:23 PM
Hey teafrenzy, i ordered the passionfruit tea online. It arrived today. How many times do you think I should drink it? Is it safe for long term use?

11-29-2016, 09:51 PM
There can be some side effects but unfortunately you probably won't know if it's from the tea or anxiety related.

I would go with 3 cups a day for 2 weeks and assess if it is helping your anxiety.

Should be safe for long term use.